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I be the ironing ruffian, t' other washes." "What next? "What next? why, whenever the brat is in the world I shall rock cradle, and t' other knave will wash tucker and bib. So, then, I'll go fetch the letter on the instant. Ye will let me bide and hear it read, will ye not?" "Else our hearts were black as coal," said Catherine. So Denys went for the letter. He came back crestfallen.

I am sorry I cannot eat them, but their acid would only increase my dyspepsia. Those raised in winter must be very sour. Ugh! the thought of it sets my teeth on edge," and the poor, nervous creature shrank deeper into her wrappings. "I am very sorry, mother, I thought they would be a great treat for you," said Edith, quite crestfallen. "Never mind; I got some flowers, and they will be here soon."

"I shouldn't tell anybody else, Charlie," said her husband. "Keep it a secret, my boy." "But you you don't believe it?" stammered the crestfallen Mr. Foss. Mrs. Dowson cast a stealthy glance at her daughter. "Its wonderful 'ow some o' those fortune-tellers can see into the future," she said, shaking her head. "Ah!" said her husband, with a confirmatory nod. "Wonderful is no name for it.

When they stopped playing, the husband looked crestfallen and put the music away, as if he wanted to shut the door on the past. "Let's have a glass of beer," he said. They sat down at the table and had a glass of beer. "It's extraordinary," he began, after a little while, "I never realised before that we've grown old, for we really must have vied with Romeo and Julia as to who should age faster.

"We're only educatin' you in politics, learning you how to be like your superiors men." This evoked a round of laughter, and order was restored. "That's right, ladies, don't go; if you was to turn dawg on us now, we'd be so crestfallen we couldn't think about politics and save the country at all."

"Not yet. We must get a little more in first," answered the voice from the hood in a ghostly murmur. It was settled. I had now the courage to turn about. Our men crouched about the decks here and there with anxious, crestfallen faces, all turned one way to watch the chaser.

Gregory had separated from his wife before he became a bishop and that those writers who record the birth of St. Gregory during the episcopate of his father were altogether mistaken." "At any rate, I really don't see how it helps us!" said Augustina. Father Bowles looked a little crestfallen. "There is one other case that occurs to me," he said timidly. "It is that of St.

Somewhat crestfallen the woman seized the urn, began to polish it with her apron, and finally said sulkily: "I beg pardon for raising a false alarm, but indeed it looked suspicious and smelled of foul play, when I found the library window wide open, two chairs upside down on the carpet, mud on the window-sill, the inkstand upset, and no urn on the sideboard.

"It isn't that," she interrupted, her color high. "The truth is " she faltered, came to a full stop cried, "Oh, I can't talk about it to-night." "To-morrow?" he suggested. "I don't know," she stammered. "Perhaps to-morrow. But it may be two or three days." Stanley looked crestfallen. "That hurts, Mildred," he said.

"Chap him!" yelled Pink, and made for him "I'll stand for a lot, but don't yuh ever think I'm a vassal!" "Mutiny is strictly prohibited!" he thundered. "Villains, beware! Gadzooks er let's have a swim before the wagons come!" They laughed and made for the creek, feeling rather crestfallen and a bit puzzled.