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Updated: August 18, 2024

"Dear sir," it said, "Miss Crawley has passed an exceedingly disturbed night, owing to the shocking manner in which the house has been polluted by tobacco; Miss Crawley bids me say she regrets that she is too unwell to see you before you go and above all that she ever induced you to remove from the ale-house, where she is sure you will be much more comfortable during the rest of your stay at Brighton."

"Well, then, as you give me an interest in it, I say pin him." "Why?" "Don't you see he is one of those soft fellows who listen to everybody. If he goes away, and they laugh at him for not getting more for it, I really could hardly answer for his ever coming back here." The firm came in cheerfully. "Well, Mr. Mr." "Not Mr., sir. Crawley plain John Crawley."

This day too the unlucky boy's modesty had likewise forsaken him. He was lively and facetious at dinner. During the repast he levelled one or two jokes against Pitt Crawley: he drank as much wine as upon the previous day; and going quite unsuspiciously to the drawing-room, began to entertain the ladies there with some choice Oxford stories.

It seemed to the major as he drove away from Barchester that everybody was against him; and yet he was sure that he himself was right. He could not give up Grace Crawley; and unless he were to do so he could not live at Cosby Lodge. A Lady Presents Her Compliments to Miss L. D.

Then he went on to explain the great difficulty which he felt, and great sorrow also, in dealing with this matter of Mr Crawley. He looked, therefore, confidently for Dr Tempest's assistance.

"I see it all now; and I must own I was never before so much puzzled in my life." "I own I can't see why she should have given him Mr Soames's cheque," said Mr Walker. "I can't say where she got it, and I own I don't much care," said Dr Tempest. "But I don't doubt but what she gave it him without telling the dean, and that Crawley thought it came from the dean. I'm very glad.

There is a friend of yours hard by wants to speak a word to you." "Come along, then. Where is he?" "This way, sir." Crawley followed Wood to the waiting-room, and there on a bench sat Isaac Levi. Crawley stopped dead short and would have drawn back, but Levi beckoned to a seat near him. Crawley came walking like an automaton from whose joints the oil had suddenly dried.

They had been talking about Mr Crawley when he suddenly turned himself round, so that he could look at his companion, and said, "Miss Crawley is staying with us at the parsonage at the present moment." "What! Mr Crawley's daughter?" said Mr Oriel, showing plainly by his voice that the tidings had much surprised him. "Yes; Mr Crawley's daughter." "Oh, indeed.

It might still be necessary, Mrs Arabin was told, that she should go into court, and there state on oath that she had given the cheque to Mr Crawley; but Mr Walker was of the opinion that the circumstances would enable the judge to call upon the grand jury not to find a true bill against Mr Crawley, and that the whole affair, as far as Mr Crawley was concerned, would thus be brought to an end.

And then Mr Toogood had only written one short scrap of a letter, just three words, and they were written in triumph. "Crawley is all right, and I think I've got the real Simon Pure by the heels." "It's all very well, John," Mrs Toogood said; "and of course it would be a terrible thing to the family if anybody connected with it were made out to be a thief."

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