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"See how he brought me here in his car when I was hurt. And look at the stuff Purt's given me while I've been here," said Billy excitedly. "He'd never have hurt that man and run away without seeing what he'd done. No, sir!" "Crackey, Billy!" said Chet, "you've turned square around." "I know I have. And I ought to be ashamed of myself for ever distrusting Purt," said the invalid vigorously.

His wide mouth opened with a grin of pleasure; he came forward with gangling strides. "By crackey, if it isn't the Arlingtons! Home from Virginia, Evaleen, to old Marietta, on a visit to the folks? You're looking peart. How do you all do?"

"Oh, crackey!" groaned Ephraim Gallup. "It's all over naow!" "Yah, it vos all ofer," nodded Hans. "A home run vill knock me. Der game vos seddled." It is probable that almost every one expected to see Hans strike out. After making two strikes, the Dutchman secured a clean single, on which Diamond and Gallup scored. "Dot vos a mishdake," declared the Dutchman.

"Didn't know you had it in you, Fraser," marvelled one officer. "By crackey!" added a second. "How you can slug!" The surgeon sighed. "No one has ever understood Robert," said he, "but women, critters, and kids." And now Matthews' blood was up, and under his sloping forehead the grey-matter was bubbling and boiling like the soup in the sutler's pot.

This slim fellow was with a short, thick-set man with a black moustache." "Right!" nodded Harry. "They must all be members of the same gang of thieves, then," flashed Dick. "I've read in the newspapers that the thieves who work the Christmas trade generally go in gangs. By crackey! Did you see that?" "Yes!" muttered Tom Reade excitedly. "What?" questioned Greg. "Why," explained Dick, "Mr.

"They got wind of his being up this way. Somebody saw him, or thought he did. Crackey! Do you suppose he was the fellow who took the food from your tent, Laura?" "Yes, I do," admitted his sister. "Then he's far enough away from the lake now," said Chet, nodding. "That amount would have lasted him till he got over the Canadian border." "Perhaps," said Laura.

"An' knives in their mouths," Marmaduke suggested. "But that's not the best thing," Jehosophat went on, "they'll have a flag with a skull an' dead men's bones painted on it." "Crackey!" exclaimed his brother, just like the big boys. It was a fine word, too, but only to be used on special occasions. And pirates and skulls and dead men's bones certainly made a "special occasion."

"Crackey!" cried Bart, snapping the whip hilariously "maybe this is one of those story-book happenings where a fellow strikes fame and fortune!" "Maybe it is," assented Buck drily. Bart climbed up to the seat. He started up the horse, the Tollivers following after the wagon till they reached the main road. "When I get to the mill " began Bart.

All of a suddint I slumped down, right through the snow-crust, and douced up ter my middle inter the coldest water I ever felt I did, for a fac'! "I sprung out o' that right pert, ye kin believe; and then the next step I went down ker-chug! ag'in this time up ter my armpits." "Crackey!" exclaimed Marty. "That was some slip. What did you do?"

There was no smoke now coming out of the chimney, and all looked peaceful and deserted, save for the presence of the Grammar School intruders. There was no injured man lying on the ground. "Crackey!" gasped Greg. "Yet we didn't all dream together, did we?" "Certainly not," muttered Dick, again starting forward. The others followed him. "This is where we saw the man fall, isn't it?" asked Dick.