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The boy was prettily attired in a military costume, and wore a toy sword at his side and a gay feather in his cap. He was followed by a brother smaller and much less jaunty. "What might your name be, now, bub? By crackey, you've come out in full blossom, haven't you, like a red-bud bush? What do you say your name is?" "Dominick." "Dominick, hey?

It wasn't hard to find, for it had grown so big and stretched almost to the fence-rails now, and was racing along towards the Pond, growing wider and wider every minute just like Marmaduke's eyes. "Crackey! Sposin' there should be a flood!" exclaimed Jehosophat. "Wouldn't that be fine!" said Marmaduke. "Fine!" Jehosophat cried. "What would you do?

We started up the orchard path at the fourth call. "Hoo-hoo!" answered Leon in a sick little voice to make it sound far away. Must have made mother think we were on Deams' hill. Then we went on side by side. "Say Leon, you found the Station, didn't you?" "Don't talk about it!" snapped Leon. I changed the subject "Whose money do you suppose that is?" "Oh crackey!

Crackey! it don't matter what they have," declared this careless boy, "as long as 'tain't lessons." "Lectures?" repeated Walky. "Do tell! What sort of lectures?" "I heard Mr. Haley say the first one would proberbly be illustrated by a collection of rare coins some rich feller's lent the State School Board. He says the coins are worth thousands of dollars." "Lectures on coins?" cackled Walky.

He was a Confederate soldier in his day, and if there is one thing above another that he loves to talk about, it's the 'Gov'ment, as he calls it. 'Uncle Sammy an' me ain't jest zackly the best o' pards yit, by crackey, he says, with a twinkle in his eye." "That certainly is a great view," explained Ham. "I'm going to unload my cargo and rest here a bit, for I like this spot.

The party went ahead as rapidly as possible, but even the stronger of the boys found it hard to climb the steeper ascents through the deep snow. "Crackey!" exclaimed Isadore. "I know I'm slipping back two steps to every one I get ahead." "Nonsense, Izzy," returned Helen. "For if you did that, you had better turn around and travel the other way; then you'd back up the hill!"

By a supreme effort of will he mastered his legs in time to dart into a dark doorway. "Huh! But that was a lucky escape for me," Teall gasped, as he came out from the doorway, peering down the street after the retreating form of Hi Martin's father. "I guess he's out looking for me. He'll want his son's gold watch. Crackey!

That’s queer,” reflected Eph. “It wouldn’t be like them to go sailing at this time of the night, and without notifying me, either. But, then, I didn’t see anything of ’em aboard that sloop, either.” Eph was silent for a few moments, thinking. Then, suddenly, he leaped up in the air, coming down flat-footed. “Crackey!” ejaculated Eph Somers.

But these allusions to pancakes had brung me down, so I stepped meekly out on to the broad, noble flight of steps, and the full beauty of the Woman's Buildin' riz up in front of us. Even Josiah wuz impressed with the simple, noble perfection of that buildin'. I heard him say "By Crackey! not a bit of lace or tattin'; not a streamer of ribbin.

"It wouldn't be like them to go sailing at this time of the night, and without notifying me, either. But, then, I didn't see anything of 'em aboard that sloop, either." Eph was silent for a few moments, thinking. Then, suddenly, he leaped up in the air, coming down flat-footed. "Crackey!" ejaculated Eph Somers. For a moment or two his face was a study in bewilderment.