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Updated: August 17, 2024

"Because," answered a comrade with an expressive wink, "it's Garge's birthday, Garge Washington, you know, the daddy of his counthry!" "Oh, to be sure!" responded the other, meditatively, taking a whiff or two at his pipe to see that it was really lighted before he threw the match overboard. "To be sure! And it's a great mon that same Garge must have bin, a great mon, Dinnis. Sure, St.

"But I hope, sorr, though it goes agin my own counthry to say it, what you bring back won't be as much as Paddy shot at." "You slide along with your durned brogue," was all the retort that Mr Lathrope condescended to make to this hit.

I donno why I didn't pound him into smithereens when I had him so 'andy on the flat of his back only for Miss Linda, the darlin' crathur, telling me not. Sure there isn't a peeler in the whole counthry, nor a jail neither, for a thousand mile.

"Arrah, 't is in yez pocket aready, colonel," cried one of the sappers. "Sure, how kin a Frinchman expect to bate us whin nary ground-hog nor baver, the aither av thim, is theer in his counthry to tache him how to work wid earth an' timber?"

An' if O'Brien an' his frinds got into power, why wouldn't it happen again? But we're afeard to breathe almost in this unfortunate counthry, God help us!" Amid the varying opinions of the Irish people there is one point on which they are unanimous. They have no confidence in their present leaders, whom they freely accuse of blackguardism, lying, and flagrant dishonesty.

"You see, my lord," he concluded by saying, "it'd be a great thing to be shut of Barry entirely out of the counthry, and to have poor Anty's mind at ase about it, should she iver live to get betther; but thin, I don't like to have dailings with the divil, or any one so much of his colour as Barry Lynch." "This is a very grave matter, Martin, and takes some little time to think about.

Bedad, sir, there's fine times coming; what wi' the say full av big ones, and we one agen 'em, I'm like to believe as we'll step ashore with our throats cut, ivery man av us, and on the shore av me own counthry, which sorra a day I left for this job." "Why did you leave it, 'Four-Eyes'?" I asked cheerfully; and he said

My curse and God's curse on it for quarrelling! Will it never stop in the counthry till they rise some time and murdher one another out of the face?

Kit was a baker, and did earn wages; but he utterly refused to subsidise the patriotism of his father. "If ye can't do that for the ould counthry," said Kit, "ye ain't half the man I took ye for." But he refused him a gallon of oats for his horse. It was not at once that the old man gave way.

There's many a turn in this world; we may be strangers ourselves; an' think of what I would feel if any of you was far from me, widout money or friends, when I'd hear that you met a father in a strange counthry that lightened your hearts by his kindness. Now, dear, the carts 'll be ready in no time eh? Why there they are at the gate waitin' for you.

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