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The next time I went there I could'nt touch him with a ten-foot pole, but the trip after he came around all right." "I wish I had no collecting to do," said a man near me; "I can sell goods, but collecting is the deuce-and-all. I envy the New Yorkers who don't have any collecting to do. Their business is to sell, and the house collects."

It's what they're paid for." "It's so awfully sudden. I don't know where I am 'ardly," said Mr. Kidd. "I don't believe she's got a penny-piece in the 'ouse. Pore Joe 'ad a lot o' pals. I wonder whether we could'nt get up something for her." "Go round and tell the police first," said the landlord, pursing up his lips thoughtfully. "We can talk about that later on." Mr.

Crookett, the greatest hand at a flam in our nation. You have heerd tell of a man who could'nt see London for the houses, I tell you, if we had this country, you could'nt see the harbors for the shipping.

I heerd a splash and a groan, and I smelt somethin plaguy sour, but I could'nt see nothin; at last I got hold of her and lifted her up, for she didn't scream, but made a strange kind of choakin noise, and by this time up came Marm Blake with a light.

Spriggins' speech and as he made his exit through the doorway at a two-forty gait a smile was visible upon the occupants of the office. But ere business had been suspended for the day Mr. Spriggins again appeared on the scene with the following exclamation: "I could'nt go back to the Crossin' without seeing you and tellin' what I heard.

It puts me in mind of catching birds by sprinkling salt on their tails; its only one horse a man can ride out of half a dozen, arter all. One has no shoes, tother has a colt, one arnt broke, another has a sore back, while a fifth is so etarnal cunnin, all Cumberland could'nt catch him, till winter drives him up to the barn for food.

"Sure, Miss, I dunno but dat 'pears like I can't hab hevin' wid dat man thar." "He will be changed and good." "Can't think so. Dat man needs dat fire; preachin' could'nt do him no good, noway." "We will agree to let each other think as they feel, but our Father must love all his children."

But I had a knife too, and all a disappinted father's rage to boot, so at it we' went closin' and strikin' with our knives like two fierce fiends of the forest. It was noble sport sure-LY. At last the Delaweer fell over the bleedin' body of his warrior and I top of him. As he fell the knife dropt from his hand and he could'nt reach it no how, while I still gripped mine fast.

Accustomed to his moccasins, the heels were not to be endured; and Verty kicked both of them off against the stone steps with great composure. Having accomplished this feat, he re-entered. "I'm easier now," he said. "About what?" "The heels." Mr. Roundjacket looked down. "I could'nt walk on 'em, and knocked 'em off," Verty said. Mr.

Where had I the pleasure of seein' you before, I never cut a lady in my life, could'nt do so rude a thing. Havn't the honour to recollect you. 'Oh, Sir, take it away, it cuts me. Poor thing, she is distracted, I don't wonder. She's drove crazy, though I think she must have been mad to come here at all. 'Your hat, Sir. 'Oh, that cussed French hat is it?