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Clay, and Amos Kindle, and Judge White, and a whole raft of statesmen, up to everything and all manner of politics; there ain't the beat of 'em to be found anywhere. If you was to hear 'em, I consait you'd hear genuine pure English for once, anyhow; for it's generally allowed we speak English better than the British.

"Put half a dozen to it, and you'll be nearer; and bedad it's aisier work doin' that in your head than on your feet. Be the same token I must be leggin' it, or they'll consait I'm lost at our place." And he stepped out darkly into the veiled moonlight. "Wirrasthrew and weary on it," the old man said to himself; and then to the others, "Is it that far as he says?"

"'I mane, says I, 'what I towld you, that I'm as good a furriner myself as any o' thim. "'Make me sinsible, says he. "'By dad, maybe that's more nor me, or greater nor me, could do, says I, and we all began to laugh at him, for I thought I would pay him off for his bit o' consait about the Garmant Oceant.

It tickles me to see aristocrats like ye at work rael hard work, to take the consait out of ye; and if I was this feller, glancing at Andy, 'I'd make tracks if ye didn't give me my rights, smart enough. The glow in the Irish servant's eyes was not to be mistaken. 'I guess I've riled you a bit, added the Yankee wonderingly.

When you honor a holy man, mankind may consait you do it on that very account, and so fall into the notion you worship him, which would be idolatry, the awfullest of all sins, and the one to which every ra'al Christian gives the widest bairth. I would rather worship this flask of wine any day, than worship the best saint on your parsons' books."

Oh! if you go, take him along with you, for he will put you in consait of all you see, except reform, dissent, and things o' that kind; for he is an out and out old Tory, and thinks nothin' can be changed here for the better, except them that don't agree with him.

"'What do you mane? says he. "'I mane, says I, 'what I towld you, that I'm as good a furriner myself as any o thim. "'Make me sinsible, says he. "'By dad, maybe that's more nor me, or greater nor me, could do, says I; and we all began to laugh at him, for I thought I would pay him off for his bit o' consait about the Garmant Oceant.

That's the beauty of old proverbs; they are as true as a plum line, and as short and sweet as sugar candy. "Do you recollect that 'ere tree I show'd you to Parrsboro', it was all covered with black knobs, like a wart rubbed with caustic. Well, the plum trees had the same disease a few years ago, and they all died, and the cherry trees I consait will go for it too.

Now, I consait that, after death, when the body is laid aside or, if used at all, is purified and without its longin's, the spirit sees all things in their ra'al lights and never becomes blind to truth and justice. Such bein' the case, all that has been done in life, is beheld as plainly as the sun is seen at noon; the good brings joy, while the evil brings sorrow.

Then look at his ear jist like rabbit's; none o' your flop-ears like them Amherst beasts, half horses, half pigs, but strait up and p'inted, and not too near at the tips; for that 'ere, I consait, always shows a horse ain't true to draw. There are only two things, Squire, worth lookin' at in a horse, action and soundness; for I never saw a critter that had good action that was a bad beast.