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But her laughing sisters will have none of this cowardice; they vow that the fair one shall be their ’complice, shall share their dangers, shall touch the hand of the stranger; they seize her small wrist, and drag her forward by force, and at last, whilst yet she strives to turn away, and to cover up her whole soul under the folds of downcast eyelids, they vanquish her utmost strength, they vanquish your utmost modesty, and marry her hand to yours.

We staid about this business at the office till ten at night, and at last did send him with a constable to the Counter; and did give warrants for the seizing of a complice of his, one Blinkinsopp. So home and wrote to my father, and so to bed. Church in the morning: dined at home, then to Church again and heard Mr. Naylor, whom I knew formerly of Keye's College, make a most eloquent sermon.

Sir W. Pen and I to the office, whither afterward come Sir G. Carteret; and we sent for Sir Thos. We staid about this business at the office till ten at night, and at last did send him with a constable to the Counter; and did give warrants for the seizing of a complice of his, one Blenkinsopp. 12th. This morning we had news from Mr. 14th. Home to dinner. In the afternoon come the German Dr.

"Qu'on n'inquiete personne! personne n'a ete mon complice dans la mort heureuse de Scelerat St. Fargeau. Si Je ne l'eusse pas rencontre sous ma main, Je purgeois la France du regicide, du parricide, du patricide D'Orleans. Qu'on n'inquiete personne. Tous les Francois sont des laches auxquelles Je dis

'T took two of us to bring him down that day; so I just put the irons on his feet. There he sits, in there. Goin' to-morrow, with a batch more of 'em. That woman, hunchback, tried with him, you remember? she's only got three years. 'Complice. But she's a woman, you know. He's been quiet ever since I put on irons: giv' up, I suppose.

My first inquiry was, if the man who had been so much hurt was in the gaol. "You mean your 'complice," replied the gaoler. "Yes, he is here, and has recovered his senses. The doctor says he will do very well." "Has he made any confession?" inquired I. The gaoler made no reply. "I ask that question," continued I, "because if he acknowledges who was his accomplice, I shall be set at liberty."

Hereupon he examined Antonio's face and hands very minutely, and then in regular connexion told him the story of his parents and their misfortunes, the early violent death of his mother, and his father's sinful passion, together with his murder by the hand of his wicked complice.

"Qu'on n'inquiete personne! personne n'a ete mon complice dans la mort heureuse de Scelerat St. Fargeau. Si Je ne l'eusse pas rencontre sous ma main, Je purgeois la France du regicide, du parricide, du patricide D'Orleans. Qu'on n'inquiete personne. Tous les Francois sont des laches auxquelles Je dis

But hypocrite as he's been, and holding things with that high hand, as there was no parson i' the country good enough for him, he was forced to take Old Harry into his counsel, and Old Harry's been too many for him." "Ay, ay, he's a 'complice you can't send out o' the country," said Mr. Crabbe, the glazier, who gathered much news and groped among it dimly.

My first inquiry was, if the man who had been so much hurt was in the gaol. "You mean your 'complice," replied the gaoler. "Yes, he is here, and has recovered his senses. The doctor says he will do very well." "Has he made any confession?" inquired I. The gaoler made no reply. "I ask that question," continued I, "because if he acknowledges who was his accomplice, I shall be set at liberty."