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Peter had already met him in football and had annoyed him by collaring him violently on one occasion, it being the boy's habit, owing to his size and reputation, to run down the field in the Lower School game, unattacked. Peter's hatred of him grew more intense week by week; some days after Mid-Term, it had swollen into a passion.

The first intimation he had of popular vengeance was a stone thrown at him, but Dick's eye happened to be upon the fellow who threw it, and collaring him in a moment, he dealt him a cuff on the side of the head, which confused his faculties for a week. "Hark ye," he then cried, with a loud voice, "don't interfere with me; you know it won't go down.

There's a libel action in every sentence. How do you like this place, from what you've seen of it?" "Rotten." "I am with you, Comrade Jackson. You won't mind my calling you Comrade, will you? I've just become a socialist. It's a great scheme. You ought to be one. You work for the equal distribution of property, and start by collaring all you can and sitting on it. We must stick together.

And I look forward to the day when there will come a better understanding between them and ourselves better perhaps than has ever been before when we shall forgive them their sins against us, and they will forgive us our sins against them, one of which certainly is our meanness and shopkeeperiness in rejoicing in the war as a means of "collaring their trade."

"I ax yer parding, gintlemen," said the former, with an expression of deep regret on his face, "but the say-weed is so slippy on them rocks we're almost for iver doin' that sort o' thing be the merest accident. But av yer as fond o' cowld wather as meself ye won't objec' to it, although it do come raither onexpected." The officers made no reply, but, collaring Ruby, pushed him into the boat.

"Forgive me," he said, "for collaring you like this, but the fact is I am very keen to see you about the Keldale shootings." Sir Malcolm gave a gasp of relief. "Thank Heaven!" he exclaimed. "Good Lord, what a fright you gave me!" "I say I'm awfully sorry!" said Carrington anxiously. "How frightfully stupid I must have been!"

Duff; "do we follow him in and collar him? or do we just wait here?" "Collar him!" repeated Inspector Val disgustedly. "I'd like to catch you collaring him! Is this a time to talk of collaring, and we no further than the threshold of the job? Let him alone; he's only laying out the work to-night." Perhaps the golden rule of all detective work is, Never let the detected one detect.

"The Doctor! the Doctor!" shouts some small boy who catches sight of him, and the ring melts away in a few seconds, the small boys tearing off, Tom collaring his jacket and waistcoat, and slipping through the little gate by the chapel, and round the corner to Harrowell's with his backers, as lively as need be; Williams and his backers making off not quite so fast across the close; Groove, Rattle, and the other bigger fellows trying to combine dignity and prudence in a comical manner, and walking off fast enough, they hope, not to be recognized, and not fast enough to look like running away.

For, first, he fell in with the track of a patrol, and walked in it for some hundred yards, although it lay out of his direction. And this spirited him up; at least he had confused his trail; for he was still possessed with the idea of people tracking him all about Paris over the snow, and collaring him next morning before he was awake. The other matter affected him quite differently.

You work for the equal distribution of property, and start by collaring all you can and sitting on it. We must stick together. We are companions in misfortune. Lost lambs. Sheep that have gone astray. Divided, we fall, together we may worry through. Have you seen Professor Radium yet? I should say Mr. Outwood. What do you think of him?" "He doesn't seem a bad sort of chap. Bit off his nut.