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A second time Josephine's fingers were passed under Fortune's collar for she had well understood the words of Madame Lanoy with a woman's keen instinct she understood why Fortune's collar had been drawn closer about him. She had felt the thin, closely-folded paper, which was tied up with the string in the dog's collar, and she drew it out rapidly, adroitly to hide it in her hand.

Then: "Because I did not judge that the time was come," said he. His lordship ripped away the silk covering of the button with a penknife, and disembowelled it of a small packet, which consisted of a sheet of fine and very closely-folded and tightly-compressed paper. This he spread, cast an eye over, and then looked up at his companion, who was watching him with simulated indolence.

Won't be addressed to my name. Addressed like that." He drew from his pocket a closely-folded, dirt-begrimed envelope. Marian's heart stopped beating. The envelope was blue yes, the very shade of blue of that other in the pigeon-hole. And it was addressed: Phi Beta Ki, Nome, Alaska. "Is there a letter here like that?" the man demanded, squinting at her through blood-shot eyes.

"Oh, there you are!" he cried as he caught sight of me; and the next minute we were standing together, hand grasping hand. "Denham, old fellow," I said huskily, "I thought you were either a prisoner or dead." "Not a bit of it," he replied; "but it wasn't the Boers' fault. Just look at my head." "I was looking," I said, for a closely-folded handkerchief was tied diagonally across his forehead.

Strange to say, this man knew me under my straw-hat and closely-folded shawl; and, though I deprecated the effort, he insisted on making a way for me through the crowd, and finding me a better situation. He carried his disinterested civility further; and, from some quarter, procured me a chair.

So when Mr Stewart came back she was sitting with closely-folded hands, looking straight before her, very grave indeed. They were both silent for a moment; then Mr Stewart said, "Now, Shenac, tell me why." Shenac started. "You must know quite well." "But indeed I do not. Tell me, Shenac." It was not easy to do so. In the unspeakable embarrassment that came over her, she actually thought of flight.

"That which will scatter the blackest part of that cloud on your brow, I trust, my dear fellow," replied Allen, with an animated and exulting air. "Here, look at this!" he added, pulling out and presenting a small and closely-folded letter. With trembling eagerness, Woodburn seized the missive, and, with a glance at the well-known hand of the superscription, "To Captain Woodburn, or Mr.

"But you say you know what is in that note?" "Oh, yes!" "You've read it?" "Not that." "What do you mean?" Jerry took a closely-folded newspaper from his pocket. "Ratcham, Dolchester, and Froude Magnet, sir Richard Smithson," he read, and then doubling it closely, held it out, pointing to a paragraph. "My eyes swim. I don't understand what you mean, Jerry." "Shall I read it, sir?" "Yes."

Passionately she pressed her lips to it again and with a sigh of delight drew out a single sheet of note paper enclosing a closely-folded page of printed matter. As though doubting her senses, she sat erect in bed and unfolded the newspaper; there was nothing enclosed therein and with perplexity writ large all over her face she turned curiously to the written sheet.

But a few minutes before she had given him all a woman has to give. Now he met her with hang-dog visage, apologies from Austin, and milk-and-water asseveration of a lover's rapture. The most closely-folded rosebud miss of Early Victorian times could not have faced the situation without showing something of the Eve that lurked in the heart of the petals.