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Drake was bare-headed and fanning himself with his crush hat. Lord Robert was lighting a cigarette. "Pshaw! What a stifling den! Did you ever hear such a clitter-clatter? A perfect Tower of Babel building company! What in the name of common sense do people suppose they're doing by penning themselves up like that on a night like this? What are they thinking about?" "Thinking about, dear boy?

If its mechanical clitter-clatter did not render composition impossible, the typewriter would still be beneath the honour of a literary man. Then for the paper. The luxurious, expensive, small-sized cream-laid note is best, since it makes your essay choice and compact; and, failing that, ripped envelopes and the backs of bills.

Vinegar, who was a very good housewife, was busily sweeping her house, when an unlucky thump of the broom brought the whole house clitter-clatter, clitter-clatter, about her ears. In an agony of grief she rushed forth to meet her husband. On seeing him she exclaimed, "Oh, Mr. Vinegar, Mr. Vinegar, we are ruined, I have knocked the house down, and it is all to pieces!" Mr.

And then " he stood in tierce, left hand curved, holding in tense fierceness the eyes of an imaginary opponent "and then a little clitter-clatter of steel, and, suddenly ha! the blade disappears up to the hilt, and a great red stain comes on the shirt, and the man throws up his arms, and falls, and you've killed him. He's dead! dead! dead! Ha! what a time to live in!"

He found her by a window fascinated by the splendour of the panorama as seen in the morning light. Not a vestige of the tears and disorder in which he had left her. What had been behind those tears? Dainty and refreshing; to the eye as though she had stepped out of a bandbox. Compromised? That was utter rot! Wasn't Miss Frances here? Clitter-clatter, clitter-clatter.

He was quite alone for his coachman was ill in bed and there was nothing to be seen on either hand but a drifting mystery of hedge running athwart the yellow glare of his lamps, and nothing to hear but the clitter-clatter of his horses and the gride and hedge echo of his wheels. His horse was as trustworthy as himself, and one does not wonder that he dozed....

An' thaa didn't wear shoon noather, thaa wore clogs clogs as big as boats, Mr. Penrose; an' they co'd him Clitter-clatter for a nickname. Hasto forgetten, Malachi? 'Aw wish thaa wouldn't be so plaguey partic'lar, lass, an' let a felley get on wi' his tale, said Malachi to his wife. And then, turning to Mr.

He had found the man in the dress suit. "Cutty, I'm sorry I was such a booby last night. But it was the best thing that could have happened. The pentupness of it was simply killing me. I hadn't any one to come to but you any one who would understand. I don't know of any man who has a better right to kiss me. I know. You were just trying to buck me up." Clitter-clatter! Clitter-clatter!

But when I see a woman of unblushing boldness, loud-voiced, with a tongue of infinite clitter-clatter, with arrogant look, passing through the streets with the step of a walking-beam, gayly arrayed in a very hurricane of millinery, I cry out: "Vashti has lost her veil!"

Marry Kitty! "I'm old enough to be her father." "What's that to do with it so long as convention is satisfied?" Cutty was so shaken and confused that he missed the tragic irony of the voice. All the receptive avenues to his brain seemed to have shut down suddenly. He was conscious only of the clitter-clatter. Marry Kitty! "You can't settle money on her," went on Hawksley, "without scandal.