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Updated: August 27, 2024

How much lower had he fallen now. How happy he must have been, when the blandishments of Claelia, that might have melted an anchorite, could not tempt him from the path of loyalty! Now what was he? He had blushed at her seeing him in such company. Yet it was his daily company. He hung over the boat in moody silence. And from that hour another phase of his misery began; and grew upon him.

Teresa said calmly, "I will await her return," and sat so still, and dignified, and statuesque, that Gerard was beginning furtively to draw her, when Claelia returned. For our Lady's sake look with favour on him." "My good dame, my fair Ser," said Claelia, "I have no use for a writer; but now you remind me, it was my friend Appia Claudia asked me for one but the other day.

Among others, a young woman named Claelia, one of the hostages, escaped her keepers, and, as the camp of the Etruscans had been pitched not far from the bank of the Tiber, swam over the river, amid the darts of the enemy, at the head of a band of maidens, and brought them all back in safety to their relations at Rome.

Ah! thou knowest not; lovest me not, I doubt, as I love thee. Eighteen times, Gerardo. And each time dearer to me. The day thou comest not 'tis night, not day, to Claelia. Alas! I speak for both. Cruel boy, am I not worth a word? Hast every day a princess at thy feet? Nay, prithee, prithee, speak to me, Gerar-do." "Signora," faltered Gerard, "what can I say, that were not better left unsaid?

Baskets of choice provisions and fruits were brought to his door by porters, who knew not who had employed them, or affected ignorance; and one day came a jewel in a letter, but no words. The Princess Claelia ordered a full-length portrait of herself. Gerard advised her to employ his friend Pietro Vanucci. But she declined.

And they revenged themselves for their beaux' admiration of her by lavishing all their tenderness on him. But one there was who was still among these butterflies, but no longer of them. The sight of the Princess Claelia had torn open his wound. Scarce three months ago he had declined the love of that peerless creature; a love illicit and insane; but at least refined.

Andrea, sobbing, told him about the letter, and Gerard's moody ways of late. That lackey was a spy of the Princess Claelia. Their Italian tongues went fast till they neared the Tiber. But the moment they felt the air from the river, and the smell of the stream in the calm spring night, they were dead silent. The moon shone calm and clear in a cloudless sky. Their feet sounded loud and ominous.

She fixed her eyes on Gerard's comely face, and could hardly take them off again. But her reply was unsatisfactory. "Nay, I have no use for a writer. Ah! I mind now, it is my gossip, Claelia, the sausage-maker, wants one; she told me, and I told Leonora." Teresa made a courteous speech and withdrew. Claelia lived at some distance, and when they reached her house she was out.

In the first place, there has been a tendency both in England and in America to look at this history upside down. The epoch of the Revolution and the Constitution has been regarded as a heroic age wherein lived the elder Brutus, Mucius Scaevola, Claelia and the rest to be followed by almost continuous disappointment, disillusionment and decline.

When news of this was brought to the king, at first, furious with rage, he sent deputies to Rome to demand the hostage Claelia, saying that he did not set great store by the rest: afterward, his feelings being changed to admiration, he said that this deed surpassed those of men like Cocles and Mucius, and further declared that, as he would consider the treaty broken if the hostage were not delivered up, so, if she were given up, he would send her back unharmed and unhurt to her friends.

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