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"Oh, that's too bad, now, ain't it?" drawled Oliver Torrey, as he leered out of one eye. "Say, kid, we'll beat youse so bad you'll be squallin' before you're half-way round the globe," put in Sam Lane. "You bet! Ain't no use o' flying against such veterans as us," supplemented Chuck Crossman, with a wag of his frowsy head. Mr. Wrenn frowned.

Leave me, boy leave me to my grief." Lucien brushed William's hand off his shoulder and blurted out angrily, "You're crazy." "Well, I'd sooner be crazy, if I am crazy, than be sane the way you are," returned William loftily. "'Chuck' Epstein says everybody's got a looney streaker some kind; else, he says, they'd all die young. It's a tough outlook for you, Lucien," he added as he departed.

Now he slipped quietly in. "Keep the old fool off, or he'll get hurt," snarled Barcoo. Stiffner jumped the counter. There were loud, hurried words of remonstrance, then some stump-splitting oaths and a scuffle, consequent upon an attempt to chuck the old man out. Then a crash.

"Look you, my lad, everything depends on the tone you take, if you are dealing with labor politics! These big folks think such a damn lot about the way a thing is wrapped up! If I were setting about this business I'd come out with the truth and chuck it in their faces but that won't answer; they'd be so wild there'd be no dealing with them. Just a nice little lie that answers much better!

With a cigarette between his teeth, a sneering smile on his lips, he watched, through the open door, the group within. He was convinced now that Carolyn June was utterly frivolous. She danced and flirted with Bert, Chuck, Charley and even Pedro one after the other and occasionally Parker. Poor Skinny alone was neglected.

"By golly," Chuck said earnestly and half-pleadingly, "I wish you'd put her against that Y-Bar outfit's Thunderbolt horse in the two-mile sweepstakes this year! It would be " "Fun to see her run!" the Ramblin' Kid interrupted, looking up quickly and straight into the eyes of Carolyn June as he finished the contemptuous quotation of her words, spoken the day before at the corral.

You wear your heart in your eyes and your lips are always ready for kissing, I think of you as one of your own flower-girls hoarse of voice, slatternly as to corsets, with a big tumbled fringe over your forehead, and a heart so big that you can chuck away your roses to a wounded Tommy and go away yourself with an empty basket to sleep under an archway. Do you wonder that to us you spell Blighty?

I should think it would be slow work for such a big fellow as you to climb a tree," said Johnny Chuck. Buster looked up at Happy Jack Squirrel and winked. Then he walked over to the tree in which Happy Jack was sitting, stood up and suddenly began to scramble up the tree. There was nothing slow about the way Buster Bear went up that tree.

The gun, Jim meantime explained "extry charged," "chuck up" to the middle with slugs and revolver bullets, could only be fired by himself, and even then he darkly added, not without danger.

Patsey looked carelessly down the street and began to sing: How much wood would a wood-chuck chuck If a wood-chuck could chuck wood. "What cher take fer butcher-ride, Pat?" Wilford asked. "What cher got?" Patsey had stopped singing, but still beat time with his foot to the imaginary music. Wilford produced a jack-knife in very good repair. Patsey stopped beating time, though only for an instant.