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Tomlins did spring vpp mch above ye floore, and with terrible force strike hys hand against ye wall; and also, to ye great wonder of all, prophanlie exclaim in a loud voice, curse ye wood-chuck, he dreaming so it seemed yt a wood-chuck had seized and bit his hand. But on coming to know where he was, and ye greate scandall he had committed, he seemed much abashed, but did not speak.

"But how are we to get them out of it?" rejoined Catharine. "I doubt the fish will swim at their ease there, while we go hungry." "Do not interrupt me, ma chere. Then, we see the track of deer, and the holes of the wood-chuck; we hear the cry of squirrels and chitmunks, and there are plenty of partridges, and ducks, and quails, and snipes; of course, we have to contrive some way to kill them.

But it is like enough that he trapped a wood-chuck now and then, or caught a white-fish with the rest. At the age of twelve he became a train-boy, or vendor of candy, fruit, and journals to the passengers on the Grand Trunk Railway, between Port Huron and Detroit. The post enabled him to sleep at home, and to extend his reading by the public library at Detroit.

How much wood would a wood-chuck chuck, assuming for purposes of argument that it was in the power of a wood-chuck to chuck wood?" Mr. Parker did not attempt to solve this problem. He was sitting in the same attitude of watchfulness, the revolver resting on his knee. He seemed mistrustful of Psmith's right hand, which was hanging limply at his side.

Then he made his way down the long, ragged western slopes, and at daybreak came into a wild valley of woods and brooks. By this time King was hungry. But game was plentiful. After two or three humiliating failures with rabbits owing to his inexperience in stalking anything more elusive than a joint of dead mutton, he caught a fat wood-chuck, and felt his self-respect return.

A moment's examination proved to them that this was nothing less than a sea-otter cub, a small animal not much larger than a wood-chuck, but with a long, pointed tail, and covered with short, soft fur. All these boys had lived in Alaska long enough to know the great value of the fur of the sea-otter, which even at this time was worth more than a thousand dollars a skin.

Patsey looked carelessly down the street and began to sing: How much wood would a wood-chuck chuck If a wood-chuck could chuck wood. "What cher take fer butcher-ride, Pat?" Wilford asked. "What cher got?" Patsey had stopped singing, but still beat time with his foot to the imaginary music. Wilford produced a jack-knife in very good repair. Patsey stopped beating time, though only for an instant.

Some, as the ground-hog, or wood-chuck of the United States, are as large as rabbits, while others, as the leopard-marmot, are not bigger than Norway rats. Some species have cheek-pouches, in which they can carry a large quantity of seeds, nuts, and roots, when they wish to hoard them up for future use. These are the spermophiles, and some species of these have more capacious pouches than others.

She is a very big person, wide like a wood-chuck, and has a dark face like the House People down in the warm country where I spend the winter." "There are children at the farm, I've seen them too," cried the Phoebe, who usually lived under the eaves of the cow-shed; "three of them one big girl, one little girl, and a BOY!"

"When did Sassacus ever make a secret of his lodge? He is not a beaver, or a wretched wood-chuck, to burrow in the ground, but an eagle who makes his nest on the highest trees." From this reply Arundel could only understand, that the place where the hut stood was too well known to make it difficult for the Indians to discover it.