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The words were echoed by the whole army, with acclamations that resounded across the Vega. At sight of these signals of possession the sovereigns sank upon their knees, giving thanks to God for this great triumph; the whole assembled host followed their example, and the choristers of the royal chapel broke forth into the solemn anthem of "Te Deum laudamus."

Thence we went to the chapel of Lincoln's Inn, where, on entering, we found a class of young choristers receiving instruction from their music-master, while the organ accompanied their strains. These young, clear, fresh, elastic voices are wonderfully beautiful; they are like those of women, yet have something more birdlike and aspiring, more like what one conceives of the singing of angels.

By thy favour the universe with its gods may possibly be saved from havoc. And the magnanimous one, glorified by the gods while the musical instruments of celestial choristers were playing all round, and while celestial blossoms were showered upon him rendered waterless the wide ocean. And those demons, attacked by the gods, bellowing loudly, for a moment carried on terrible conflict.

First came an entire regiment of Spanish infantry, which, filing off, formed three sides of a square, the wall near which the banquillos were placed forming the fourth; then eight priests, and as many choristers chanting the service for the dying; next came several mounted officers of the staff, and four firing parties of twelve men each.

On the following day he sent the two girls to a M. Choron, who was the head of the Conservatory of Sacred Music. Choron had Sarah sing, and instantly admitted her as a pupil, which meant that she would soon be enrolled among the regular choristers. The beauty of her voice made a deep impression on him. Then he happened to notice the puny, meager child who was standing near her sister.

May we not see in the attitude of David's choristers as they sang, hints for our own discharge of the tasks of our Christian service? There was a curse of old on him who did the work of the Lord 'negligently, and its weight falls still on workers and work.

By the tomb the Bishop pronounced a few warm words of eulogy, after which the thin chant of the choristers sounded trivial and meagre enough; but scarcely had they ceased when the crowd uplifted its many thousand voices, and a hymn of mourning rang out so loud and grand that this burial ground had scarcely ever heard the like.

Arthur was startled. "What now, sir?" "Are you to be instructor to those random animals, the choristers?" "Oh no: I shall have nothing to do with that." "Very good. If you had taken to them, I should have recommended you to guard against such a specimen of singing as was displayed the other day before the judges."

The sweet choristers of the trees chanted their melodious sonnets on the high branches, and the parks rang with the sound of praise from the feathered tribe. The river rolled majestically along, while its shores were strewed with the choicest roses and flowers. On the banks of "proud Euphrates' stream," the Rab Mag sat down and gave freedom to his thoughts.

No one looked at Pixie until the signal was given and the choristers burst into song, when she came in for even more than her own share of admiration, for the treble solos were without exception given to her to sing, and the piercing sweetness of the young voice moved some of the more emotional of the audience to surreptitious tears.