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"Still, now, come, between us who are no longer children, suppose M. de Thaller were to double Cesarine's dowry, to treble it?" An expression of intense disgust contracted the manly features of Marius de Tregars. "Ah! not another word, madame," he interrupted. There was no hope left. Mme. de Thaller fully realized it by the tone in which he spoke.

If we let Dudley quit the room he'll go down and tell them; and before we know where we are, that slippery eel will have wriggled through our fingers, as he always wriggles. He is Paul Finglemore; he is Césarine's young man; and unless we arrest him now, without one minute's delay, he'll be off to Madrid or St. Petersburg by this evening!" "You are right," I answered. "It is now or never!"

"Ah! madame, do you think an architect who seeks to put up public buildings finds it glorious to decorate a mere appartement? I have come down to such details merely to oblige Monsieur de la Billardiere; and if you fear " Here he made a movement to retreat. "Well, well, monsieur," said Constance re-entering her daughter's room, where she threw her head on Cesarine's shoulder.

"I see you have forgiven her," said the Italian, advancing the virtue in which he was deficient. "I have expunged her from my heart," answered Clemenceau firmly. "She is a picture on only one page of my life-book, and I do not open it there. Knowing my secret, you are the last person to whom I shall speak of Césarine's misdeeds.

Cesarine's least eccentricities, as was also that sudden fancy; to apply to the situation one of the most idiotic rondos of her repertoires: "Cashier, you've got the bag; Quick on your little nag" Neither did she spare him a single verse: and, when she stopped,

Reflecting profoundly, he could come to no other conclusion than that he ought to shun the dangerous traitress. As he lifted his head, less troubled after arriving at this resolution, he was not sorry to see that Clemenceau had silently entered the room. "Oh, is it you, my dear master?" he exclaimed. It was not easy on that placid brow to read whether he knew of Césarine's return or not.

It was by Césarine's aid, again, that he became possessed of Amelia's diamonds, that he received the letter addressed to Lord Craig-Ellachie, and that he managed to dupe us over the Schloss Lebenstein business. Nevertheless, all these things Charles determined to conceal in court; he did not give the police a single fact that would turn against either Césarine or Madame Picardet.

Voices came to us from within; one was Césarine's, the other had a ring that reminded me at once of Medhurst and the Seer, of Elihu Quackenboss and Algernon Coleyard. They were talking together in French; and now and then we caught the sound of stifled laughter. We opened the door. "Est-il drôle, donc, ce vieux?" the man's voice was saying. "C'est

Precisely because I love you I acknowledge myself unworthy of you and I wish you to know that if you had asked my hand, the hand of a girl who has a dowry of a million I would have ceased to esteem you." That such a feeling should have budded and blossomed in Mlle. Cesarine's soul, withered as it was by vanity, and blunted by pleasure was almost a miracle.

Cesarine's lover heard that dreadful charge ringing in his ears, and saw the distorted face of the poor distracted Cesar constantly before him; Popinot was to live henceforth, like Hamlet, with a spectre beside him. Birotteau wandered about the streets of the neighborhood like a drunken man.