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Thus shrouded with arrows the steedless and driverless Karna, stupefied by that arrowy shower, knew not what to do. Beholding him made carless, Aswatthaman, O king, caused him to ride on his car, and continued to fight with Arjuna. Then the ruler of the Madras pierced the son of Kunti with thirty arrows. Saradwata's son pierced Vasudeva with twenty arrows.

"A very comfortable suggestion, that, ma'am," observed Mr. Carless, bowing to his hostess over a glass of old sherry. "Your intuition does you credit! But now, gentlemen, and Miss Penkridge, straight to business! Mr. Cave, the first question I want to put to you is this: on what date did you receive the letter which you exhibited in court this morning?" Mr.

"That is something else I was going to ask. You know where they are buried?" "Oh, yes! Because, before we sailed, Mrs. Roscombe took me to the churchyard, or cemetery, to see my father's and mother's grave. I remembered that perfectly. Her own husband was buried there too, close by. I remember how we both cried." Mr. Carless suddenly pointed to the ornament which Miss Wickham was wearing.

Beholding those two brothers made carless, that slayer of hostile heroes, viz., their maternal uncle, the ruler of the Madras, moved by compassion, addressed the son of Radha and said, "Thou art to fight today with Pritha's son Phalguna. Why dost thou then, with rage inflamed to such a pitch, battle with Dharma's royal son? Thou art suffering thy weapons to be exhausted.

She looked from one solicitor to the other with something of a smile. "More mystery?" she asked. Mr. Carless, with a courtly bow, took the girl's hand. "My dear young lady," he said, "there is, this time, a mystery to be explained. And allow me to hand you into this room there is a young gentleman in here who will explain it, all of it, a thousand times better than we old fogies possibly could!"

Consider Watt's task, compelled to attempt the production of his new engines, complicated beyond the highest existing standard, without proper tools and with such workmen as Carless, whom he was glad to get and determined to keep, drunken and useless as he was.

It can then be proved by you, or by Carless, that a man claiming to be the missing Lord Marketstoke showed these stolen papers to you. In the meantime, get the coroner to summon this man as a witness, and take care that he's brought to the court. Once there, let him be asked how he came into possession of these papers? Do you see my idea?" "Capital!" exclaimed Mr. Pawle. "An excellent notion!

Now, we, Carless and Driver, sent out those advertisements our name was appended to every one of them, wherever they appeared. Why, then, when this man if he is the real man returned home, did he not come to us? For there are three persons in this office who but wait!" He touched a bell; the clerk who had announced Methley and Woodlesford put his head in at the door. "Ask Mr.

Carless, "if you are paid a certain considerable sum of money, you will vanish again into the obscurity from whence you came? Am I right in that supposition?" "I don't like your terminology, Mr. Carless," answered the visitor with a slight frown. "I have not lived in obscurity, and " "If you are what you claim to be, sir, you are Earl of Ellingham," said Mr.

"But now a further question: Your client whom we'll now call the claimant had, I understand, no desire to take up his rightful position, and suggests that the secret shall remain a secret, and that he shall be paid a hundred thousand pounds to hold his tongue?" "If you put it that way yes," replied Methley. "I don't know in what other way it could be put," said Mr. Carless grimly.