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He scratched his rough head in his perplexity. "At Gladsmuir," he said, "'er nainsell did take ten Southron loons wi' 'er own hant, wi' nobody to help 'er, an' now one callant had dinged 'er clean senseless wi' nothin' but a bairn's nief." "It wasn't clean fighting, Donald," said I. "Nothing but a sort of trick. If you were to hit me fair and square I should snap in two like a carrot.

I saw the receipt mysel'. But where did yon lang-leggit, long-lockit, Fish River moss-trooping callant win haud o' him? Answer me that, Jeems. 'That says nothing, answered Jim. 'I'm not supposed to trace back every horse in the country and find out all the people that owned him since he was a foal. He's mine now, and mine he'll be till I get a better one.

If he meets any one, let him say he is carrying a letter to Major Bellenden of Charnwood, but without mentioning any names." "I understand, madam," said Jenny Dennison; "I warrant the callant will do weel eneugh, and Tib the hen-wife will tak care o' the geese for a word o' my mouth; and I'll tell Gibbie your leddyship will mak his peace wi' Lady Margaret, and we'll gie him a dollar."

And then, putting the very callant that was sewing the curpel out o' the shop, to play wi' blackguards in the close Sit still, neighbours, it's no that I mean to disturb you; but what between courts o' law and courts o' state, and upper and under parliaments, and parliament houses, here and in London, the gudeman's gane clean gyte, I think." When Mrs.

Skreigh, only that I lived within a penny-stane cast o' the head o' the avenue at Ellangowan, when a man cam jingling to our door that night the young Laird was born, and my mother sent me, that was a hafflin callant, to show the stranger the gate to the Place, which, if he had been sic a warlock, he might hae kenn'd himsell, ane wad think; and he was a young, weel-faured, weel-dressed lad, like an Englishman.

"Ye'll just leave alone the martyr dodge, my puir bairn. Ye're na martyr at a', ye'll understand, but a vera foolish callant, that lost his temper, an' cast his pearls before swine an' very questionable pearls they, too, to judge by the price they fetch i' the market." And then my heart sank again.

'Canting and lying, said Willie, which produced a thundering laugh; 'but I am teaching the callant a better trade, and that is, feasting and fiddling.

"Ah!" he said, "I've seen ye before." "You have, sir." "You are the callant who told me that the medulla oblongata " "Please " I entreated. Perhaps he would not have let me off had not Sir Cyril stood immediately behind him. "What is it?" asked Toddy, approaching Alresca. "Fracture of the femur." "Simple, of course." "Yes, sir, but so far as I can judge, of a somewhat peculiar nature.

'The bird and bantling they call it in Derbyshire, sir, said Stanley. 'Ye're a daft callant, sir, said the Baron, who had a great liking to this young man, perhaps because he sometimes teased him 'Ye're a daft callant, and I must correct you some of these days, shaking his great brown fist at him.

With that he carried me again to my adventures, which he heard all over again with more particularity, and extraordinary approval, swearing at intervals that I was "a queer character of a callant." "So ye were frich'ened of Sim Fraser?" he asked once. "In troth was I!" cried I. "So would I have been, Davie," said he. "And that is indeed a dreidful man.