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The stiff and stark fire-irons appeared to claim a nearer relationship than anything else there to Mr Dombey, with his buttoned coat, his white cravat, his heavy gold watch-chain, and his creaking boots. But this was before the arrival of Mr and Mrs Chick, his lawful relatives, who soon presented themselves.

He wore the dress in which you yesterday beheld him, but beneath a Canadian blanket coat, which, when I first saw him in the hut, was buttoned up to the chin, so closely as to conceal every thing American about the dress. "'Well now I reckon we must lay our heads to do this job; said the son as he tossed off a portion of the liquid he had poured into his can.

He collected one pound fifteen, and slowly buttoned it up in the right-hand pocket of his blue trousers. "Now, my lads, with a will," he gave the order. And then, with deliberate method, he lighted his pipe. And the lifeboat shot away.

Marillac put the purse in his pocket and the papers in his memorandum-book; he then buttoned up his redingote and put on his travelling cap. His countenance showed a state of exaltation which belied, for the time being, the pacific theories he had expounded a few days before. "You can depend upon me as upon yourself," said he with energy.

Then he buttoned it under his coat, and paid the quarter which Welks said had always been the price of a cowhide even since he could remember, and walked away towards the station. "How's the old colonel" Welks called after him, having forgotten to ask before. "The colonel's all right," Richard called back, without looking round. He walked up and down in front of the station.

Quickly the three little soldiers put on their mittens and caps, and buttoned their coats, and hurried to the fort. They looked around. They could not see anybody with a horn. And the Toyman was gone. Over the walls of the fort they peeked. There stood six soldiers staring at them. The six soldiers stood very still.

The toes of his feet, in high sailor's boots, had been sucked into the slimy sea-mud; the short blue jacket, drenched through with brine, was still closely buttoned; a red scarf was fastened in a tight knot about his neck.

Since he had forever lost his friend, he would at least expose his enemy, so that all should see what a miserable, despicable being was this charming Alphonse. He looked at his watch; it was half-past four. Charles knew the cafe in which he would find Alphonse at this hour; he pocketed the bill and buttoned his coat.

He dashed the weak tears from his eyes, and rose and buttoned his coat about him. "Well, I shall go. And I hope I shall never come back. Though you needn't mention this to my father as an argument for my going when you talk me over with him," he added, with a glimmer of his wonted irony.

I want 'that easy air which presupposes familiarity with society' that's what it says in my book," objected Abner. "Sure!" Ross returned to his more familiar jeering attitude. "Loosen up all your clothes, then. Why don't you untie your shoes? Flop a sock down over one of 'em that looks 'easy' all right." Abner buttoned his vest.