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After a time, Tai-yue walked away; and as he still remained where he was without budging, she approached him. "You left," she said, "without even taking a fan with you. Happily I noticed it, and so hurried to catch you up and bring it to you."

Perhaps I've changed or YOUR not changing has convinced me. I'm certain now that you won't budge. And that was really all I ever cared about." "Oh, as to not budging I told you so months ago: you might have been sure of that! And how can you be any surer today than yesterday?" "I don't know. I suppose one learns something every day " "Not at Givre!" he laughed, and shot a half-ironic look at her.

Jews were afraid of budging an inch from their native cities. Every passer-by was suspected of being a captor or a bandit. The recruiting inquisition of Nicholas inflicted upon the Jews the utmost limit of martyrdom. It set Jew against Jew, called forth "a war of all against all," threw the tortured and the torturers into one heap, and sullied the Jewish soul.

"What if it is fifteen years old? Have you got one at Riverdale that is even fifteen months old? You know you haven't; if you had you'd start a museum of antiques with it. And as for our budging from this dear old place, don't you look for it; we're attached to it, even if you're not. Besides, to move would be to throw away the one advantage that we really have.

But there needed not overmany prayers, for that, on the one hand, shame of the fault committed and desire to make amends for it, and on the other, the fear of death and the wish to escape, to say nothing of his ardent love and longing to possess the thing beloved, made Ricciardo freely and without hesitation avouch himself ready to do that which pleased Messer Lizio; whereupon the latter borrowed of Madam Giacomina one of her rings and there, without budging, Ricciardo in their presence took Caterina to his wife.

Then he drew back in alarm, endeavoured to escape the part he was about to take, endeavoured to exculpate himself, cavilling for hours, invoking the most wretched motives for remaining as he was, and not budging a jot. "What am I to do?

"You can't shout me down, you bully," he said quietly in his face. "You know I'm right. And you all know it." Husky towered over the slight figure. "Get out," he roared, "before I smash you!" "Go ahead!" said Sam, without budging. "I'm not afraid of you!" For the first time, the girl seemed really interested. Her nostrils were slightly distended. Her glance flew from face to face.

"You will remember the last time I spoke to you, just before you went into the trenches at Sailly, now over two months ago, I told you about my old regiment the Royal West Kents having gained a reputation for not budging from the trenches, no matter how they were attacked. I said then that I was quite sure that in a short time the army out here would be saying the same of you.

They never complained. In the most rigorous weather, when waiting for their masters either at the theatre or a ball, they sit still without budging, and only knock their feet against the box to get a little warmth, while the little postilions lie down at the bottom of the staircases.

Neither Mademoiselle Lecouvreur nor Monsieur Voltaire replied to him, but getting into the coach in which they came, were driven away under a narrow archway and were out of sight in a minute. Jacques Haret's mention of a serving-man directed my attention to an elderly man in the well-known purple and canary livery of Madame Riano, who stood close to the stage, never budging from his place.