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This human weakness is not, however, a very high authority for a logician to appeal to, being too like the attitude of the German lady who said that Englishmen called a certain object bread, and Frenchmen called it pain, but that it really was Brod. Scholastic philosophy is inclined to this way of asserting itself; and Mr.

At which the landlord scratches his head, for he doesn't understand precisely what you have selected. Now you take your book, and explain slowly and systematically: "Kaffee!" "Ja." "Oegg!" "Ja." "Fisk!" "Ja." "Smor og Brod!" Here the landlord is staggered, and scratches his head again. Smor he gets a glimmering of, but the bread stuns him.

They were fond to ca' it papistrie; but I think our great folk might take a lesson frae the papists whiles. They gie another sort o' help to puir folk than just dinging down a saxpence in the brod on the Sabbath, and kilting, and scourging, and drumming them a' the sax days o' the week besides.

They came at night close to the houses, often stealing the cheese out of the pantry. When a fox would not, or could not, be caught in a trap by any other bait, a bit of cooked cheese would allure him so that he was caught and his fur made use of. When the people could not get meat, or fish, they had toasted bread and cheese, which in Dutch is "geroostered brod met kaas."

I sometimes ask, the answer to which is almost invariably "brod und wein." Stone-yards thronged with busy workmen, chipping stone for shipment to cities along the Danube, are a feature of these river-side villages. The farther one travels the more frequently gypsies are encountered on the road.

"You have been a long time in the Chechenes' country?" "Yes, I was quartered there for about ten years along with my company in a fortress, near Kamennyi Brod. Do you know the place?" "I have heard the name." "I can tell you, my boy, we had quite enough of those dare-devil Chechenes.

Venus costellata, Sowerby "Zoological Proceedings." Pecten purpuratus, Lam. Chama, probably echinulata, Brod. Calyptraea Byronensis, Gray. Fissurella affinis, Gray. Fissurella biradiata, Trembly. Purpura chocolatta, Duclos. Purpura Peruviana, Gray. Purpura labiata, Gray. Concholepas Peruviana. Nassa, related to reticulata. Triton rudis, Brod.

Sir Theodore Martin, who quotes Lady Lyttelton's letters in the "Life of the Prince Consort," gives such a hymn, which is a paraphrase of the 121st Psalm, as it appears in the Coburg Gesang-Buch, and supplies a translation of the verse in question. Unsern ausgang segne Gott, Unsern erngang gleicher massen, Segne unser taglich brod, Segne unser thun und lassen.

After the latter had turned the corner of Pike Street, Uncle Mosha lingered to take the morning air. A fresh breeze from the southwest brought with it a faint odour of salt herring and onions from the grocery store next door, while from the bakery across the street came the fragrant evidence of a large batch of Kümmel brod.

Goethe speaks the word for him: "Wer nie sein Brod mit thranen ass, Er kennt euch nicht, ihr ewige Machte!" Drilled in Roman history Lovely figures made of light and morning What superb figures!