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Updated: August 22, 2024

... Shreds of purple with broad lustre shine Sewed on your poem. FRANCIS. Horace, Ars Poet. 15. The original reading is enclosed in crochets, and the present one is printed in Italicks. Boswell, on the next page, supplies one more instance 'Images such as the superficies of nature readily supplies. See ante, iii. 249.

Kenmore, and that which had gone to the making of her life previous to her meeting with John Boswell, seemed to have accomplished their purpose and left her detached and finished, up to a certain point, for the next period of her existence. In the severing of all the ties of the past, even affection, gratitude, and memory, for the time being, were held in abeyance.

This was exceedingly entertaining to the company who were present, and many a time afterwards it furnished a pleasant topick of merriment: 'The Ambassadeur says well, became a laughable term of applause, when no mighty matter had been expressed. I left London on Monday, October 18, and accompanied Colonel Stuart to Chester, where his regiment was to lye for some time. 'Mr. Boswell to Dr. Johnson.

BOSWELL. 'Hughes's last work was his tragedy, The Siege of Damascus, after which a Siege became a popular title. Johnson's Works, vii. 477. See ante, i. 75, note 2. B. This lady asked Johnson to 'look over her Siege of Sinope; he always found means to evade it.

The Colonel said that General Boswell was a rich man and had a good and growing business; and that Washington's work world be light and he would get forty dollars a month and be boarded and lodged in the General's family which was as good as ten dollars more; and even better, for he could not live as well even at the "City Hotel" as he would there, and yet the hotel charged fifteen dollars a month where a man had a good room.

Cibber could tell no more but "That he remembered him a decent old man, arbiter of critical disputes at Will's ." You are to consider that Cibber was then at a great distance from Dryden, had perhaps one leg only in the room, and durst not draw in the other. BOSWELL. 'Yet Cibber was a man of observation? JOHNSON. 'I think not. BOSWELL. 'You will allow his Apology to be well done. JOHNSON. 'Very well done, to be sure, Sir.

This has been printed in other publications, 'fall to the ground. But Johnson himself gave me the true expression which he had used as above; meaning that the recommendation left as little choice in the one case as the other. BOSWELL. One of the 'other publications is Hawkins's edition of Johnson's Works. See in it vol. xi. p. 216.

I doubt whether I shall get fees equal to the expense. Ib. p. 335. 'Nov. 22, 1791. I keep chambers open in the Temple, I attend in Westminster Hall, but there is not the least prospect of my having business. Ib. p. 344. His chambers, as he wrote to Malone, were 'in the very staircase where Johnson lived. Croker's Boswell, p. 830. Sunday was the 21st.

You see, she thinks me dead; it was best so. I I had to be dead for a while and then I meant to go to her myself. But something happened. I was obliged to stay on here, and she might not have understood. I'd like " Farwell paused and looked pleadingly at the white girl-face across the rude table, where the fragments of food still lay: "I'd like you to go and see her. Boswell could take you.

The conversation was not of particular force or point as reported by Boswell; the dinner party was a very small one, in which there was no provocation to intellectual display. After dinner they took tea with the ladies, where we find poor Goldsmith happy and at home, singing Tony Lumpkin's song of the Three Jolly Pigeons, and another called the Humors of Ballamaguery, to a very pretty Irish tune.

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