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"It sure was!" declared King, who was sitting on a footstool near, and hugging one knee with apparently intense affection. "And what made it so especially delightful?" asked Mr. Maynard, as he balanced Rosy Posy on his knee; "you tell me, Baby." "It was a bootiful party," said Rosy Posy, with decision, "because we had pink ice cream." "That was about the best part," said Kitty, reminiscently.

I'm afraid you'll find it dull without any little companions; 'tis very quiet here, not that I'm complaining," she added hastily, afraid of seeming disloyal to her native place. "And what do 'ee think of our village?" she asked, seeing Penelope's eyes fixed interestedly on her. "Fine and lonely I reckon it looks to strangers, but 'tis airy," with a little laugh, "and bootiful air too.

"What a bootiful bufferfly you is, to be sure! up on sitch a place too, wid nuffin' to eat 'cept Krakatoa dust. I wonder what your moder would say if she know'd you was here. You should be ashamed ob yourself!" "Hallo! Moses, what are you talking to over there?" "Nuffin', Massa Nadgel. I was on'y habin' a brief conv'sation wid a member ob de insect wurld in commemoration ob de purfesser.

"Oh, a secret about a present," cried Kitty; "something for the tree-house, I know!" "Maybe 'tis, and maybe 'tain't," answered King, with a mysterious wink at Marjorie. "Me buyed present for Kitty," said Rosamond, smiling sweetly; "gold an' blue, oh, a bootiful present." "Hush, hush, Rosy Posy, you mustn't tell," said her brother. "Presents are always surprises. Hey, girls, here's Father!" Mr.

No, she's black as de kitchen chimbly, wid a bootiful flat nose, a mout' like a coal-scuttle, an' such eyes oh!" "Hold your tongue, Ebony! Now, am I not right, Ravonino?" "You are right," answered the guide, gravely, yet without displeasure. "My Rafaravavy is in danger, and I must save her from this murderess at all hazards.

'It is paid now for a reform, he said, 'and when the reform is obtained, no doubt the State would feel itself so much indebted to us all, that it would tax the late landlords until we got all our money back again, and more too." "Dat vould pe a bretty speculation; ja, dat might be most bootiful!" "Why, yes; it wouldn't be a bad operation, living on the inimy, as a body might say.

"Vell, it be so tired, and goed up by de Park with Dick Loosing and dem oder girls." "Don't you think it better, Father Damon," Dr. Leigh interposed, "that Gretchen should have fresh air and some recreation on Sunday?" "Und such bootiful tings by de Museum," added the mother. "Perhaps," said he, with something like a frown on his face, and then changed the subject to the sick child.

Ibrahim looked amazed and hurt. "Never mind, Ibrahim!" she touched her forehead "I've got a bad head to-day, and it makes me cross about nothing." He thrust one hand into his gold-coloured skirt, and produced a glass bottle full of some very cheap perfume from Europe. "This will cure you, my la mees. Rub it on your head. It is a bootiful stink. It stinks lovely indeed!"

There has bin grater singers and there has bin more bootiful wimin, but no more fassinatin young female ever longed for a new gown, or side to place her hed agin a vest pattern than Maria Picklehomony. Fassinatin peple is her best holt. She was born to make hash of men's buzzums & other wimin mad becawz thay ain't Picklehomonies.

"Rickon Goold pricked up his ugly ears at this; and Mother Tapsy did it bootiful. And to cut a long yarn short, we spliced him, captain, with never a thought of what would come of it; only to have our revenge, your honor.