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He looked first at me, then at Jack, and finally at the boot in his hand, which he fell-to polishing till it dazzled. But Jack's tone and look had effectually damped his spirits, and when he spoke again it was with a half whine. "I are a larning better, governor, do you hear? I knows my letters. You ask this 'ere bloke," pointing to me with his brush. "And them Aggers, too.

"Shut yer face," said Jonah, and he stepped up to the bricklayer. "Ever 'ear tell of a copper boiler?" he inquired pleasantly. "Ever meet a bleedin' bastard as put the cops on a bloke, an' got 'im three months' 'ard?" he inquired again. The bricklayer stared at him open-mouthed, surprised and alarmed by the appearance of this misshapen devil with the glittering eyes.

"He's a JP." "What's that?" "A bloke wot sits in court and sends yer to prison," answered the man. Mary listened with all her ears and her eyes starting with horror. Here was some dreadful plot they were going to murder Squire Chelwood, perhaps! Should she run at once and give the alarm, or wait to hear more? While she hesitated the woman spoke again. "I suppose it's best to begin there?"

And presently there was some applause sporadic, Jeeves has since told me it was and I saw Gussie being steered by a bearded bloke in a gown to a seat in the middle of the platform. And I confess that as I beheld him and felt that there but for the grace of God went Bertram Wooster, a shudder ran through the frame. It all reminded me so vividly of the time I had addressed that girls' school.

"My God," he said to himself one morning, when he had been sitting at his desk for over an hour without writing a word, "I believe I've lost the power to write!" He got up, terrified, and went to Gilbert's room. "Hilloa, bloke!" said Gilbert, looking round at him as he entered. "Are you busy, Gilbert?" he asked.

Wycherley, had he lived in Denmark at the time, would have conferred cannily with Hamlet's uncle, removed that worthy relative's disbelief in Hamlet's insanity, and signed the young gentleman away behind his back into a lunatic asylum, Alfred began to sympathise with this posthumous victim of Psychological Science. "I believe the bloke was no madder than I am," said he.

And the owner of the French car he yells out to old John Bull, 'You're going a nice pace for an old 'un, he says. Old John has a blink down at the indicator. 'We're doing twenty-five, he yells out. 'Twenty-five grandmothers, says the bloke; but Henery he put on his accelerator, and left him. It wouldn't do to let the old man get wise to it, you know."

Then, on Friday, jest as I was shootin' at an 'ole 'are what I see, up kime an orficer, one o' thim Staff gints. 'Who are you? 'e asks. I told 'im as I was a servant, and was jest tryin' ter git an 'are fer my bloke beggin' yer pardon, sir, I mean my orficer. Then, after a lot more talk, 'e says, 'Do yer know that yer gone and nearly 'it the Gen'ril? That's all as I knows abaht it, sir.

"I will, you may depend upon that, and I'll get some 'bloke' to give Croppy a pair of black eyes for his pains, the swine." "Here comes Pat. Well, Pat, have you heard that Larry and Tim have gone to chokey?" "Yes," replied Pat; "but what screw reported Tim?" "That leather-skinned cranky old terrier over there reported Tim, and the 'bloke' with the peg-top whiskers reported Larry."

"Your grandma says not to be long; she's waiting for you." Andrew unburdened his soul to me. "Lord, ain't I just in for it! I'll hear how me grandma rared me since I was born! I'm dead sick of this born and rared business. It would give a bloke the pip.