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It was now Hazel's turn to look anxious and discomposed. "So, then, the moment I saw you suspected me I was down upon you. Well, you come aboard under false colors. We didn't want a chap like you in the ship; but you would come. 'What is the bloke after? says I, and watches. You was so intent suspecting me of this, that, and t'other, that you unguarded yourself, and that is common too.

It's only one more good turn out of a million, Billy, but I shan't forget it. With that he arose and shook Barndale's hand. 'What did you do with the girl? asked Barndale. 'Took her home. The Bloke who had such strong objections to me is her sweetheart. He's engaged to her; but she says she hates him, and is afraid of him. She'll be more afraid of him now than ever, and with better reason.

When 'e got knocked over in that attack down Lee Bassey way, I jest stopped by 'im for a minute. 'Don't you worry about me, Pongo, says 'e, 'I couldn't stand 'ome without 'er' meanin' 'is missis, you see 'an' I'd rather 'op it like this. If I 'ad me ole mouth-organ 'ere, I'd give you chaps a tune to 'elp you on like. That's the sort of bloke 'e was, chirpy up to the end.

"I wouldn't care if I 'ad no arms nor eyes nor legs, so long as I was 'ome in Blighty again. Why" and his voice dropped as he let me into the secret "I've 'ad a li'l boy born since I went out to the front, an' I never even seed the li'l beggar yet. Gawd, we in 'orspital is the lucky ones, an' any bloke what ain't killed ought to be 'appy and bright like what we is."

Tell the people to arrange the parcels better and see that every man gets a parcel at least once a week not send five parcels to one man and no parcels to some poor bloke like me who is alone. How is the war going on, guv'nor?" he asked. I gave him my views.

"I know the bloke with the linen coat," remarked Thompson. "His name's M'Nab; he's a contractor. That half-caste has been with him for years, tailing horses and so forth, for his tucker and rags. Mac's no great chop." "He lets his man Friday have the best horse, at all events," said I. "Grand-looking beast, that black one the half-caste is riding." "By Jove, yes," replied Willoughby.

The Cockney's hostility melted into a satisfied smirk. He called upon his Maker with many blasphemies while he assured the Swede he was the very "proper blushin' bloke" for the berth. The crowd straightway lost all interest in the runnership; they had another sensation to occupy them. At the Swede's words, a low growl ran around the room, a growl which swelled into a chorus of imprecations.

'E bathed a couple o' times a day in the lagoon or in fresh water, but 'e believed in rubbin' oil on his skin, and when a bloke is all greasy and nyked, 'e looks dirty. 'Is whiskers were too flossy in the tropics." It took all my wind to reach the Eden, a couple of miles from our starting-point, and we were on all fours part of the way. "'E could run up here like an animal," declared the fighter.

There was a thump at the sitting-room door, and Mr. Moon came puffing in and shouldered himself confidentially against Plummer. "Bloke downstairs wants to see you," he said, in a hoarse grunt that was meant for a low whisper. "Twigged you outside, I think, an' says he's got somethink partickler to tell yer. I believe 'e's a 'nark'; I see him with one o' your chaps the other day."

She telled me not ter dump it till one minute o' nine, an' de bloke at de door come near sp'ilin' de game till I give him one in de mug." At this instant the clock struck nine, and the president's gavel fell. "Time's up," said the Scotchman. The excitement over the outcome of the bidding was intense.