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Updated: August 23, 2024

I spoke to my wife 'bout it at the time. My wife sed it was well dun. It havin there4 bin detarmined to pertect Baldinsville at all hazzuds, and as there was no apprehensions of any immejit danger, I thought I would go orf onto a pleasure tower. Accordinly I put on a clean Biled Shirt and started for Washinton.

Amarilly, feeling but not betraying her utter inability to construct the menu for a "simple little home luncheon," walked despondently down the street. "The Boarder," she reflected, "takes bread and meat and hard biled eggs when they ain't aren't too high, and pie when we hev it." Some vague instinct of the fitness of things warned her that this would not be a suitable repast for Derry.

"Why, I have got summat, Master Horatio, but it aren't bread nor yet beef, nor yet again biled 'am, my Lord it can't be eat nor it can't be drank and here it be!" and with the words the Bo'sun produced a ponderous iron key. "Why, my dear old Jerry my lovely Bo'sun "

"I caught 'em an' biled 'em, an' as we sat there eatin' stewed tarrapin without no salt, or sherry wine, or coffee, or even corn-bread, we heard somethin' like paper scratchin' on the window, an' mother fell back and clasped her hands, an' said, 'There, do you hear the ghost?

On the way home Councill shouted back at the young men riding with Jennings: "Now's a good time for you young chaps t' take the field and lectioneer while we nominees wear biled collars, and set in the parlor winder." "What you want to do is stay at home and dig taters," shouted Milton. "A biled collar would defeat any one of yeh, dead sure." This was, in fact, the plan of the campaign.

'Be still, boy be still, he would say when some pressing interrogatory passed my lips, and then he would bend to his work while the point of his pencil bored further into my patience. Beginning here I shall quote a few entries from the diary as they cover, with sufficient detail, an uneventful period of our journey. AUGUST 20 Killed a partridge today. Biled it in the teapot for dinner.

John Russell, that had the ribbons afore him, appointed a settler as a member of Legislative Council to Prince Edward's Island, a berth that has no pay, that takes a feller three months a year from home, and has a horrid sight to do; and what do you think he did? Now jist guess. You give it up, do you? Well, you might as well, for if you was five Yankees biled down to one, you wouldn't guess it.

A 'biled shirt' lasts a good while. I noted some in use which the dry, fine dust of that region must have been weeks in bringing to the rigidity and clayey yellow or tobacco-stain hue which they unchangeably wore during the days that I enjoyed the society of the wearers.

It ain't necessary for you to produce the ring, so if that old biled owl of a Boompointer don't giv' it back to ye, it's all the same." "And they say nobody but the finder need apply," interrupted another. "That shuts out Boompointer or Kanaka Joe for the matter o' that." "It's clar that it means you, Cass, ez much ez if they'd given your name," added a third.

Biled vittles with a bag puddin' which he loved almost to idolatry I put before him in vain; I petted him; I called him "dear Josiah" repeatedly; I fairly pompeyed him, but no change could I see, I felt turrible. He still kep' a runnin' down and I didn't know when he would stop runnin' and I shuddered to think where he might run to.

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