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This, we had no doubt, was Pepita's. About a mile down the road the other way was a biggish wood, through which the road ran." 'Let's make for that wood, Rube, and wait; the Cap will be up in another half-hour, and it ain't likely the Mexicans will be along much before that. They're likely to stop for a drink at Pepita's.

"Your wife's Danish," said Lasse, admiringly. "And you've got a cow too?" "Yes, it's a biggish place here," said Kalle, drawing himself up. "There's a cat belonging to the establishment too, and as many rats as it cares to eat." His wife now appeared, breathless, and looking in astonishment at the visitors. "Yes, the midwife's gone again," said Kalle.

And happen I'd best tell you what like he was, while the recollection's fresh in my mind a little gentleman he was, very well dressed in what you might call the professional style; dark clothes and so forth, and a silk top-hat; I should say about fifty years of age, with a fresh complexion and a biggish grey moustache and a nicely rolled umbrella quite the little swell he was.

"You might have made yourself as great a chief as Red Cloud or Sitting Bull. Besides, it's a biggish thing ter be a Injun chief. Next door t' bein' a king." Kiddie smiled. "I might have been an Injun chief years an' years ago," he remarked. "But my ambitions don't lie in that direction. See?" "Of course," Rube nodded.

He wore biggish brown whiskers which is not common nowadays and his hair was rather long at the back which also is not common with young men who want to look smart but his hat, and his clothes generally, were the really odd part of him. The hat was a sort of low top-hat, with a curved brim; it spread out at the top and it was brushed rough instead of smooth.

"Wall, if you put it in that way, I don't see that we can say no, mate," Abe said, "though we are well content with our look-out, I can tell you, and could get a biggish sum for our claims to-night if we were disposed to sell them. Still, what you says is true, though it isn't every one who makes a good thing out of a bargain as is ready to go beyond it.

I was not well featured, having a freckled, square face, a biggish head, a blunt nose, grey, colourless eyes, and a sandy thatch of hair, I had great square shoulders, but my arms were too short for my stature, and from an accident in my nursing days of indifferent strength. All this stood on the debit side of my account.

"You won't p'raps care to come along, Mister," said Morris, by way of a beginning; "but I guess I'll go with one of the boys here and have a hunt for it." "Sure," said Hank. "Jake an' I done some biggish trips together in the old days, and I'll do that much for'm." "It's deep water, they tell me, round them islands," added Silver Fizz; "but we'll find it, sure pop, if it's thar."

Just after it was dark they made a biggish raid and got into our front trench a little to our right. We started bombing inwards, but the slope of the ground was awkward, and they seemed to be having the best of the fun. "Then Parks jumped up on to the parapet with a pail of bombs and ran along.

Then Captain Dillon came up, stopped us, and put the poor fellow in a staff-car and sent him along a few miles in solitary grandeur, more nervous than comfortable. Eventually the company came along and I joined. Two miles farther we came to a biggish town with white houses that simply glared with heat.