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Coulson at the group of four children, standing open-mouthed, gazing at the men, and breathlessly listening to every word. He was particularly struck with the smallest one, a little girl in a torn, berry-stained blue pinafore and a sunbonnet of the same material.

The tiny brown hands, with their berry-stained fingers, were placed on the table's edge; but Miss Susan Jemima sat bolt upright, though listening, it seemed, to the words of reverence falling from a mother-baby's lips: "Lord, make us thankful for the blackberries an' the aco'n coffee an' an' all our blessin's; but please, sir, sen' us somethin' that tastes jus' a little better if you don't mind.

"Faith can have all the jelly she wants, and you can make the leftover seeds up in jam, can't you?" "Children!" cried Gail, white to the lips. "Have you been in that pasture with Mr. Skinner's ugly bull?" "Yes," they confessed, "but he never came near us." "I guess he didn't want to leave the grove," added Peace, marching complacently away to wash her berry-stained hands.

"Then if it isn't that, what is it you want me to do?" he inquired, and continued without giving his sister time to reply. "It's to take care of them, I suppose," he grumbled, pointing a browned berry-stained little finger at a herd of goats that were grazing contentedly a little farther down the slope. "Yes, that's it, and good care of them too," Lucia replied.

"My little girl!" he murmured between his kisses. "My little rebel!" And as she snuggled in his arms, her berry-stained fingers clasped tightly about his neck, he asked her wistfully, "Did you miss me? awful much?" "Yes," she nodded, looking into his eyes. "Yes in the night time when the wind was talkin'; but, after while, when Why, Daddy!"

A confusing recollection brought him suddenly to a halt, the blood tingling in his cheeks. He knew that the eyes above the brown hand had become piercing, but there were many reasons why he did not care to meet them. After a moment's hesitation, he frankly abandoned that tack and tried a new one. Dropping on one knee to wipe his berry-stained hand in the grass, he looked up with his gay smile.

It was then that Virgie came to him again, a little daughter of the South, who, like a hundred thousand of her sisters, brought comfort in the blackest hours. One tiny, weak arm was slipped about his neck. One tiny brown hand, with its berry-stained fingers, was run through his tangled hair, softly, tenderly, even as she longed to soothe the weary head of General Lee.

"Yes, you little rebel!" he answered, choking as he laughed; "but I'm terribly afraid you'll have to pay me with a kiss." She sprang into his waiting arms, and kissed him as he raised her up; but when he would have set her down, her little brown hands, with their berry-stained fingers, clung tightly about his neck. "Wait! Wait!" she cried. "Here's another one for Gertrude!

I say, Co., don't you think your appetite is rather better than is exactly expected, or in order, for a widow in the second stage of her grief?" Things were moving just now as Mr. Davlin approved, and he felt inclined to be jocular. Cora laughed merrily. Then holding up a pretty, berry-stained hand, she said, with mock solemnity, "That is the last, my greatly shocked brother.

The berry-stained lips were half-open as the breath came and went, the yellow hair lay damp on the hot forehead, and both the chubby hands held fast the little pail still full. The sight of the childish harvest, treasured through all the troubles of that night for her, seemed to touch Mrs.