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'And then, of course, you know, said Miss Tox, 'however fond she is of her own dear little child and I'm sure, Louisa, you don't blame her for being fond of it? 'Oh no! cried Mrs Chick, benignantly.

The Regent hummed a tune, and his two companions listened to it in respectful silence. "Well, well, Messieurs," said he, bursting out at last into open voice, "I will ever believe, in future, that the gods /do/ look benignantly on us worshippers of the Alma Venus! Do you know much of Tibullus, Monsieur Devereux? And can you assist my memory with the continuation of the line

When it came her turn to be questioned she hardly knew whether she had heard what the priest asked or not, but she was sure, nevertheless, that her answer, which came forth clear and firm, was the right one. And when she knelt down and gave the priest her hand, as the ceremony required, it seemed to her that the awkward figures in the old altar pictures smiled benignantly upon her.

The worthy was clad in severe black, with a clerical white cravat: wore a black beaver hat of the "stove-pipe" order; and presented the appearance of a pious and peaceable civilian almost that of a clergyman, smiling benignantly upon all around him. Stuart uttered an exclamation of satisfaction. "Ah! Nighthawk, here you are!" he said. And turning to me he introduced the new comer as "Mr.

Milly was at the rail of the observation platform, leaning on the brass sign and waving both hands to her old friends, Chicago, her past. Little Virginia at her side waved an inch or two of white also, while the smiling ranchman stood over them benignantly, protectingly, one hand on his wife's shoulder to keep her from falling over the rail.

We would not have it understood that the boy ever deliberately mingled the two things joy and sorrow at one and the same time, but he was so irresistibly alive to the ludicrous, that a touch of it was sufficient at any time to cause him to forget, for a brief apace, his anxieties, whatever these might be. Jo Bumpus smiled benignantly, and said that he "was glad to hear it."

As he proceeded up the valley, and, gradually passing from the broad road which had been formed by Christian slaves, to the narrow path at its somewhat rugged head, which had been made by goats, he grew more careless in his walk and rollicking in his air. At last he began to smile benignantly, and to address to himself a running commentary on things in general.

"Mangez comme vous voulez" the Cook quoth benignantly, with a glance at us over his placid shoulder.... Eat we most surely did. We could have eaten the French Government. The morning of the following day we went on promenade once more. It was neither pleasant nor unpleasant to promenade in the cour while somebody else was suffering in the Room of Sorrow. It was, in fact, rather thrilling.

Our most holy father, benignantly hearkening to the entreaties of H. M., has not hesitated to make this ample concession in favour of the objects indicated, and for the benefit of our queen and of all Spaniards.

Church continued, "that I can hardly pretend to diffuse my acquisitions. I am afraid I am sadly selfish; I do little to irrigate the soil. I belong I frankly confess it to the class of absentees." "I had the pleasure, last evening," I said, "of making the acquaintance of your daughter. She told me you had been a long time in Europe." Mrs. Church smiled benignantly. "Can one ever be too long?