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When he met Purun Bhagat's eyes the eyes of a man used to control thousands he bowed to the earth, took the begging-bowl without a word, and returned to the village, saying, "We have at last a holy man. Never have I seen such a man. He is of the Plains but pale-coloured a Brahmin of the Brahmins."

He hesitated for a moment, and then added, "If I were to tell you how I came across that Irish sergeant-major you'd say I was pulling your leg." "Oh, go on, then pull away." "When I first met him he was a Burmese priest, with a shorn head, yellow robe, and begging-bowl." "Come, I say, Douglas, this is a bit too much!" "But it's a fact.

"Oh, an' well I know it an' its old compound. They say it's full of nats, because of a murder as was done there. My name is Mung Baw, at yer service, and I'll not forget what ye did for me this day, and I'll call round. Blessed hour! where's my begging-bowl?"

"Is one that shows how a man may keep on running all his life yet never reach the goal he has in sight," replied the ascetic. And with the sturdy independence of his calling he beat a peremptory tattoo with finger-tips on wooden begging-bowl to command attention to his tale. "Behold in me a man who possesses nothing in this world excepting a begging-bowl and a loin cloth.

'It is my loss, Kim began. 'Even now I had planned desirable things in my heart which' there is no need to go through the compliments proper to these occasions. He sighed deeply ... 'But my master, led by a vision 'Huh! What can old eyes see except a full begging-bowl? turns from this village to the Plains again. 'Bid him stay. Kim shook his head.

After long, sweet sleep under the dry stars came the lordly, leisurely passage through a waking village begging-bowl held forth in silence, but eyes roving in defiance of the Law from sky's edge to sky's edge. Then would Kim return soft-footed through the soft dust to his master under the shadow of a mango-tree or the thinner shade of a white Doon siris, to eat and drink at ease.

"Far and wide it has spread like the boughs of a gigantic tree." "Rubbish," said Shere Ali curtly, breaking in upon Safdar's vehemence. "I am not one of the Hindu fools who fill your begging-bowl," and he laughed. In the darkness he heard Safdar Khan laugh too. "You expected me," continued Shere Ali. "You looked for my coming. Your ears were listening for the few words of Pushtu.

The temple stands in imposing majesty on a wide platform and dominates the town in fact, apart from the trade and business element, the Pagoda is Rangoon. The splendid edifice is entirely encased in plates of solid gold, and the "Ti," which rises from the inverted begging-bowl, is studded with priceless precious stones emeralds, rubies, sapphires and diamonds which flash and glitter in the sun.

It may be only a few days or weeks and it may be years, according to the ideas of his parents, but while he is there he has to wear the yellow robe and carry the begging-bowl, and what to a growing boy must be most trying of all, he is not allowed to eat anything after midday! That old fellow has caught sight of us; he is getting up and seems quite pleased to welcome us.

Only the fakir had remained motionless; but now he gathered up in his hands his wooden begging-bowl, and held it forth, crying, "Ram, Ram," in the plaintive whine of his profession. But there was none to pay heed to his untimely importunity.