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At Toulouse the party took passage by the canal of Languedoc, which had then been shortly open. At Somail, during the night, Brousson saw that all the soldiers were asleep. He had but to step on shore to regain his liberty; but he had promised to the Intendant of Bearn, who had allowed him to go unfettered, that he would not attempt to escape.

"Meanwhile Bearn, Alsace, Franche-Comte, and Brabant have been entered, and the cries of that part of my family rend my soul. I call the French to the aid of the French! I call the Frenchmen of Paris, Brittany, Normandy, Champagne, Burgundy, and the other departments to the aid of their brothers. Will they abandon them in misfortune?

After the dance, I sent for him, and inquired who he was: 'A poor priest, at your service, my lord, said he: 'my name is Poussatin, and Bearn is my native country: I was going into Catalonia to serve in the infantry, for, God be praised, I can march very well on foot; but since the war is happily concluded, if your lordship pleases to take me into your service, I would follow you everywhere, and serve you faithfully. 'Monsieur Poussatin, said I, 'my lordship has no great occasion for a chaplain; but since you are so well disposed towards me, I will take you into my service.

When we find in Froissart, that the Comte de Foix knew in Bearn the defeat of John, king of Castile, at Jubera the next day after it happened, and the means by which he tells us he came to do so, we may be allowed to be a little merry at it, as also at what our annals report, that Pope Honorius, the same day that King Philip Augustus died at Mantes, performed his public obsequies at Rome, and commanded the like throughout Italy, the testimony of these authors not being, perhaps, of authority enough to restrain us.

The Comte de la Péna Anne of Austria and the orphan Popular atrocities The wages of crime Submission of the Duc de Mayenne Suspension of hostilities The great nobles return to the capital Louis refuses to be reconciled with his mother Insolence of De Vitry Generosity of the Duc de Rohan Marie de Medicis resolves to retire from the Court Richelieu offers to share her exile He becomes the secret emissary of De Luynes Gratitude of the deluded Queen A parting interview Marie de Medicis proceeds to Blois Destitution of the Maréchale d'Ancre Her despair Royal recreations A fatal parallel Madame de Condé requests permission to share the captivity of her husband Trial of Madame d'Ancre Her execution Cupidity of De Luynes Justice of the Grand Duke of Tuscany Death of the President de Thou Marriage of De Luynes with Mademoiselle de Montbazon De Luynes is created duke and peer Death of M. de Villeroy Recall of the old ministers Policy of De Luynes His suspiciousness His ambition De Luynes lodges his brothers in the Louvre The sign of "the Three Kings" Louis resolves to re-establish the Roman Catholic religion in Béarn, and to annex that principality to the Crown of France Meeting of the Notables at Rouen The French march to the support of the Duke of Savoy.

They lay behind their lines till daybreak; then the drums beat, and they formed in order of battle. The battalions of La Sarre and Languedoc were posted on the left, under Bourlamaque, the first battalion of Berry with that of Royal Roussillon in the centre, under Montcalm, and those of La Reine, Béarn, and Guienne on the right, under Lévis.

Each word that the king uttered went to the heart of the countess. However, making a virtue of necessity, she replied, that she was proud and happy at what the king had said to her, and that it would be her constant aim to please his majesty, flattering herself that the king would remember the services of the Bearn family, and would think of her in the dispensation of his bounties.

The Prince of Navarre, in his mother's court at Bearn, found himself surrounded by Protestant friends and influences, and he could not but feel and admit the superior dignity and purity of these his new friends. Catharine worshiped no deity but ambition. She was ready to adopt any measures and to plunge into any crimes which would give stability and lustre to her power.

Madame de Bearn was compelled to submit to the ascendancy of the marechale, but yet did not the less relax in her efforts to keep from me all other female society, she hoped that at last the king would distinguish her, and call her into his intimacy as my friend; she was not more fond of the comtesse d'Aloigny, altho' the nullity of this lady need not have alarmed her much.

His Canadians were reinforced by the battalions of Béarn, Guienne, and Royal Roussillon; and, as the intentions of Wolfe became certain, the right of the camp was nearly abandoned, the main strength of the army being gathered between the river of Beauport and the Montmorenci, where, according to a French writer, there were, towards the end of the afternoon, about twelve thousand men.