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Updated: August 7, 2024

"Oh, father, lo you, I can make as well as sing, for that is no word of the old ballant, but just came on to my tongue!" They were now right close to me, and, half in fear, half in hope, I began to stir and rustle in the grass, for of my stifled groaning had hitherto come no profit. Then I heard the horses stop. "What stirring is that in the wood, father? I am afraid," came the girl's voice.

I hae read a heap aboot auld castles an' sic like i' the history o' Scotlan', an' there's mony an auld tale an' ballant aboot them. Jist luik there, my leddy: ye see yon awfu' hole i' the wa, wi' the verra inside o' the hill, like, rushin' oot at it? I cud tell ye a fearfu' tale aboot that same." "Do let us have it," said Florimel eagerly, setting herself to listen.

Talking about music, you have doubtless not heard the ingenious ballant connected with your name and your exploits. It has been the means of informing her Grace upon matters I had preferred she knew nothing about, because I liked to have the women I regard believe the world much better than it is. And it follows that you and I must bring our long connection to an end.

Ginevra smiled him a satisfactory negative. "I never read the ballant aboot the worm lingelt roun' the tree," said Donal, making rather a long link in the chain of association, "ohn thoucht upo' that day, mem, whan first ye cam doon the brae wi' my sister Nicie, an' I cam ower the burn till ye, an' ye garred me lauch aboot weetin' o' my feet!

"And noo it's a' by wi't; it's the end o' the auld ballant," went on the little man. "I've kept auld Doom in times o' rowth and splendour, and noo I'm spared to see't rouped, the laird a dyvour and a nameless wanderer ower the face o' the earth. He's gaun abroad, he tells me, and settles to sit doon aboot Dunkerque in France.

There is a sang about ane o' them marrying a daughter of the King of Man; it begins Blythe Bertram's ta'en him ower the faem, To wed a wife, and bring her hame I daur say Mr. Skreigh can sing us the ballant.

"Nonsense here, nonsense there!" said Donal, "I see a heap o' sense intil 't. But nonsense or no, Nicie, its nane o' my nonsense: I wuss it war. It's hun'ers o' years auld, that ballant, I s' warran'." "It's beautiful," said Ginevra, with decision and dignity. "I hope he married the lady, and they lived happy ever after." "I dinna ken, mem.

He changed to the tune of a minuet, then essayed at a melody more sweet and haunting than them all, but broken ere its finish. "A hole in the ballant," commented the Provost. "Have another skelp at it, Factor." "Later on perhaps," said Sim MacTaggart. "The end of it aye escapes my memory. Rather a taking tune, I think don't you?

'And how comes that? said Bertram. 'Ou, I dinna ken; I daur say it's nonsense, but they say she has gathered the fern-seed, and can gang ony gate she likes, like Jock the Giant-killer in the ballant, wi' his coat o' darkness and his shoon o' swiftness.

"Ou, I dinna ken; I daur say it's nonsense, but they say she has gathered the fern-seed, and can gang ony gate she likes, like Jock-the-Giant-killer in the ballant, wi' his coat o'darkness and his shoon o' swiftness.

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