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Updated: August 9, 2024

The colour of the eyes and their expression were out of keeping with the Oriental cast of the rest of the face. The man was dressed in a decent, long-skirted coat. He stopped in the doorway, and bowed only with his head. 'So your name's Baburin? queried my grandmother, and she added to herself: 'Il a l'air d'un armenien. 'Yes, it is, the man answered in a deep and even voice.

'Something's wrong, Baburin, something's wrong! he faltered hurriedly, then vanished at once on perceiving my unfamiliar figure. Baburin rushed after the young man. I pressed Musa's hand warmly, and withdrew, with presentiments of evil in my heart. 'Come to-morrow, she whispered anxiously. 'I certainly will come, I answered.

None but worthless people bad people get on anywhere and accommodate themselves to everything. You say Baburin is an honest fool! Why, is it better, then, to your mind, to be dishonest and clever? 'You distort my words! cried Tarhov. 'I only wanted to explain how I understand that person. Do you think he's such a rare specimen? Not a bit of it! I've met other people like him in my time.

Between the windows and on the walls hung about a dozen tiny wooden cages containing larks, canaries, and siskins. 'My subjects! Punin pronounced triumphantly, pointing his finger at them. We had hardly time to get in and look about us, Punin had hardly sent Musa for the samovar, when Baburin himself came in.

Punin, on the contrary, was continually joking with Musa; she responded unwillingly, however. He called her little snow-maiden, little snowflake. 'Why do you give Musa Pavlovna such names? I asked. Punin laughed. 'Because she's such a chilly little thing. 'Sensible, put in Baburin: 'as befits a young girl. 'We may call her the mistress of the house, cried Punin. 'Hey?

Her dark, swift, restless eyes fairly flashed to and fro under their half-drooping lids. Only once she glanced at me, but so inquisitively, so searchingly, almost viciously ... I positively started. Baburin scarcely talked to her at all; but whenever he did address her, there was a note of austere, hardly fatherly, tenderness in his voice.

'Madam, a hoarse almost stifled voice was heard suddenly. I looked round. Baburin's face was red ... dark red; under his overhanging brows could be seen little sharp points of light.... There was no doubt about it; it was he, it was Baburin, who had uttered the word 'Madam. My grandmother too looked round, and turned her eyeglass from Yermil to Baburin.

Baburin was suffering from a bilious attack; all yellow, almost dusky, with dark rings round his eyes, with scowling brow and unshaven chin he did not look much like a bridegroom! I tried to go away.... But they would not let me go, and even made tea. I spent anything but a cheerful evening.

'He lives at my cost, occupies the same room with me; he is more likely to be of use, as he is well educated speaking without flattery, extremely so, in fact and his morals are exemplary. My grandmother heard Baburin out, chewing her lips and half closing her eyes. 'He lives at your expense? 'Yes. 'You keep him out of charity?

Since the time of our parting, both he and Baburin had been tossed about holy Russia pretty thoroughly, and had not long only a year and a half before found a permanent home in Moscow. Baburin had succeeded in becoming head-clerk in the office of a rich merchant and manufacturer. 'Not a lucrative berth, Punin observed with a sigh, 'a lot of work, and not much profit ... but what's one to do?

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