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Updated: August 6, 2024

"What is that, Peter?" "What! you not know what de Kasba am? My, how ignorant you is! De Kasba is de citad'l de fort where all de money an' t'ings treasure you call it am kep' safe. Strong place, de Kasba awrful strong." "I'll be glad to see that," said Foster. "Ho yes.

Dere's de kittles an' de pots an' de jars, an' ha, ha! dere's de man wid de de wart on 'is nose! Oh! das fust-rate. Massa's awrful fond ob skitchin'. He wouldn't sell you now for ten t'ousand dollars."

But she's a winged serubim wid dem as don't rile 'er, an' she'll be awrful good to you for my sake an' Peter's. You see, we was all on us took by the pints at de same time, and we're all Christ'ns but ob course we don't say much about dat yar!" "And am I to be always dumb never to speak at all?" asked Hester, in a rather melancholy tone. "Oh! no bress you!

If he had looked up he would have seen that the tears were hopping over Ebony's cheeks in spite of the powerful efforts of that sympathetic soul to control them, and that he was unable to speak because of a lump in his throat. "Das most awrful!" he exclaimed at last. "Oh, Mamby, I'd fight for you like a wild-cat wid the cholera if that would do you any good, but it would be ob no use."

"Yes, it am awrful nice," responded Susan, gravely, "but we's not come here to make lub, Quashy, so hol' your tongue, an' I'll tell you what I heared." She cleared her throat here, and looked earnest. Having thus reduced her husband to a state of the most solemn expectancy, she began in a low voice "You know, Quashy, dat poor Massa Lawrie hab found nuffin ob his fadder's fortin."

"Well, for a man out ob sorts, you walk most awrful irriglar one time slow, noder time so quick. I was 'bleeged to run to obertake you." Further converse was checked by their arrival in the town. On reaching the hotel they found the place in considerable confusion and bustle owing to preparations for the governor's ball, about to take place that evening. They met Pedro at the door.

No offence meant. Gib us your flipper, old boy!" Grasping the guide's hand, the negro shook it warmly, and at the same time vowed that he would be most "awrful careful," and that he would bring Rafaravavy to his feet, dead or alive, though he should have to fight the whole town single-handed to effect his object. It was a Thursday evening when they stood thus conversing.

The girl did not reply. "She's dumb!" said Peter quickly. "Ah, poor thing!" returned Foster, in a voice of pity. "Deaf, too, I suppose?" "Well, I don't know as to dat, Geo'ge." "Is this one dumb too?" asked the middy, pointing to the coffee-hole. "Oh dear no!" interposed Lilly. "Sally a'n't dumb; she's awrful sharp with 'er tongue!"

How could that do him any good?" Sally looked at her friend with an air of pity. "Didn't you say he was awrful t'in?" she asked. "Thin? Oh yes dreadfully thin." "Well, den, isn't dat 'cause he not hab 'nuff to eat? I knows it, bress you! I's bin wid a missis as starved me. Sometimes I t'ink I could eat my shoes.

Well, one night we come in our friggit to anchor in bay of Algiers. I gits leave go ashore wi' tothers, runs right away to our Dey, who gits awrful waxy, sends for Breetish cap'n, 'splain that I's the son of a Turk by a Algerine moder an' wery nigh or'er the cap'n's head to be cutted off." "You don't say so?" "Yis, it's troo.

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