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In fact, he said he had only two things to get well for. One was to catch and hang that woman Teresa, who shot him; the other can't you guess the other?" he added archly, with a faint suggestion of his other manner. Miss Nellie coldly could not. The Rev. Mr. Wynn's archness vanished. "Don't be a fool," he said dryly. "He wants to marry you, and you know it."

"A week before the wedding, Willis Starr was spending the evening at the Grange. We were all chattering gaily about the coming event, and in speaking of the invited guests Eliza said something about the other Eliza Laurance, the great heiress, looking archly at Willis over her shoulder as she spoke.

Yet as soon as they step on this soil they feel themselves self-constituted tyrants. Something of the sort happened with your own ancestors " she looked at him archly "the Pilgrim Fathers were not very tolerant to the Quakers, the Jews, Catholics, or any sect not their own. Now you do not seem to have inherited that ear-slicing temperament " "Oh, stop, Yetta! Don't make any more fun of me.

A lady when I was just four rather injudiciously showed me a large print of a human skeleton, saying, 'There! you don't know what that is, do you? Upon which, immediately and very archly, I replied, 'Isn't it a man with the meat off? This was thought wonderful, and, as it is supposed that I had never had the phenomenon explained to me, it certainly displays some quickness in seizing an analogy.

"Why you could take a theatre. You could do it all yourself." "And what good would that do me?" "Ah don't you delight in her genius?" demanded Mrs. Rooth. "I delight in her mother. You think me more disinterested than I am," Sherringham added with a certain soreness of irritation. "I know why you didn't write!" Mrs. Rooth declared archly.

'if you only knew what your sister has been to me! How much I owe to her and to you! It was kind of you to come to-night. I should have been so disappointed if you hadn't! Then she came closer to him, and said archly, almost in his ear, 'Have you forgiven me? 'Forgiven you? For what? 'For laying hands on Elvira, after all.

We'll tick off tabooed subjects, and make an index expurgatorius, and then we'll get on famously." "No need of that," he said. "As far as I am concerned, please consider me fair game." "Consider you fair game?" she said, with her head archly on one side. "That would be arrant poaching.

The cuif is a feckless person of the male sex, who is a recognized butt for a whole neighbourhood to sharpen its wits upon. The particular cuif so addressed by Meg came slowly over the knoll. "Guid e'en to ye," he said, with his best visiting manners. "Can ye no see me as weel, Saunders?" said Jess, archly, for all was grist that came to her mill. Saunders rose like a trout to the fly.

It was nearly daylight before he recovered himself sufficiently to corroborate the story of the lad, that the ghost of Matthew Collins jealously watched over his favorite pig. "'An' why didn't he watch his wife too, Peter? asked the priest, archly. "'Faix! an' I dunno. But the same man set great store by that same baste bad scran to her!

After a few moves, "Oh, you're not beating me as you used to," she said archly. "I am out of practice," Mr. Marrapit confessed. Mrs. Major paused in the act of throwing her dice. "Out of practice! But surely Miss Humfray plays with you?" "She does not." Mrs. Major gave a sigh that suggested more than she dared say. She sighed again when the game was concluded. Mr. Marrapit sat on.