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It was clear that Nancy was painfully trying to do the honours. "You must let me see your pictures," Tom heard her say. "... Really, Mr. Reynolds, I think you might listen to me when I'm trying so hard to entertain you." "Why, I heard everything you said. All about this new Russian." "Sly boots!" said Miss Balch archly. Tom wondered what the proper reply was.

"Aren't you?" asked Hiram. "No, I gave it up. They got too exacting for me, and began buying the picture rights of books and magazine stories by established authors in preference to original scripts for the screen. I was a piker, anyway nothing in me, I guess. So I threw up the sponge." "You're still a waitress, then?" She looked at him archly. "Not on your sweet young life!" and she laughed.

"Do you want to weep again?" she asked archly, looking up at him and smiling; "if you say you do, I will sing it." "No," he answered, and then hesitating a moment added, "I do not feel that way to-night. I may when train-time comes to-morrow." Her eyes fell, for she saw what was in his thoughts, and rising quickly, like a scared bird anxious to escape, turned away.

"We have heard of thee at Plataea. It is said that had Pausanias not been there thou wouldst have been called the bravest Greek in the armament." "Hush," said Lysander, "thy few years excuse thee, young friend. Save our General, we were all equals in the day of battle." "So thinks not my sister Percalus," whispered the youth archly; "scold her as thou dost me, if thou dare."

"O it was for somebody else?" said Esther. "When are you going, Norton?" Matilda asked eagerly. "Pretty soon; in a week or two more; just as soon as we have a few more spring days." "O how nice the spring days are!" said Matilda. "I am so glad they are come again." "For the strawberries?" Esther asked archly.

I don't think," she added archly, "that Mr. Hamilton will call often." Her husband laughed, intimated that she was a little coquette, pinched her cheek, and complied. "The queer thing about a woman," he said afterward confidentially to Mr. Oakhurst, "is, that, without having any plan of her own, she'll take anybody's, and build a house on it entirely different to suit herself.

In truth, she was more chagrined on her father's account than on her own. "You should have taken the south pass. It was lovely yesterday." "Perhaps this way has been wisest." "Are you become afraid of me?" archly. "Yes, your Highness." If he had looked at her instead of his horse's ears, and smiled, all would have been well. She instantly regretted the question.

"Do you think the evening air would be injurious to them, Arthur?" Mrs. Travilla asked, turning to her cousin. "I think there is malaria in it, and would advise them to stay within doors until after breakfast to-morrow morning," he answered, drawing Rose to a seat upon his knee. "Then you'd better let us go," she said archly, "so you can have some more patients.

"What, do you think he has any particular advantage over other men in things that are common to all?" "That he has, being a holy bishop." "Well, now, if I call him up, and we all put our fingers together between these bars, do you think the fire would burn him less than us?" She hesitated; her husband burst into a laugh, and archly said, "I'll engage his reverence wouldn't try that same."

Two of Ned's most faithful allies were Huxter and Miss Fanny Bolton: when hostile visitors were prowling about the Inn, Fanny's little sisters were taught a particular cry or jodel, which they innocently whooped in the court: when Fanny and Huxter came up to visit Strong, they archly sang this same note at his door; when that barrier was straightway opened, the honest garrison came out smiling, the provisions and the pot of porter were brought in, and in the society of his faithful friends the beleaguered one passed a comfortable night.