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These hesitations of hers would convey nothing to his youthful masculinity but that she didn't care enough. And his was not the age that appreciates the temporizing half loaf. So that trip up the mountain meant for them much youthful discussion, much searching of wills and hearts and motives, a threatening gloom upon his part, and a struggling defensiveness upon hers.

The reason Raciborski appreciates you so much is that you have no Polish habits, nota bene, not those Polish habits you know and I mean. On what floor, and how much do you pay? I take more and more interest in these matters, for I also shall be obliged to think of new apartments, but not till after my return to Paris.

"But I know how you feel," she said to her husband. "When they first showed him to me, I thought he looked like a peanut a thousand years old." Grandma Orde fairly snorted with indignation. "Come to your old grandmother, who appreciates you!" she cried, possessing herself of the infant. "He's a beautiful baby; one of the best-looking new-born babies I ever saw!" Orde escaped to the open air.

The Soldier's Gospel is a wonderful revelation: the world grows gratefully small as it appreciates its work, worth and effect upon the man. All the lights by which he steers sum up good citizenship rather than sectarianship. We had long ceased to cultivate the former. "There goes a hospital ship," and a Commander of one of H.M. Patrols pointed out to me a transport full of wounded.

Did he leave in this world more goodness, more humanity, than when he was born? That is the test. And whatever may have been the faults of Thomas Paine, no American who appreciates liberty, no American who believes in true democracy and pure republicanism, should ever breathe one word against his name.

He endeavored to laugh her off, and then tried subterfuge, and lastly he cast off his mask and let her see his naked soul. "Carley, I don't want your money or that of your kind friends whoever they are you say will help me to get into business," he said. "God knows I thank you and it warms me inside to find some one who appreciates what I've given.

"She's the nicest neighbour we ever had," said Charlotte, gaily. The doctor paused, delayed them both a moment while he rearranged a pile of spoons and forks upon his tray, and said: "If you talk of neighbours, Miss Charlotte, there's a certain homesick young doctor who appreciates having neighbours, too." Charlotte answered as lightly as he had spoken: "With Mrs.

But the poetry which youth usually loves and appreciates the best the poetry of mere sentiment does so in minds already over-predisposed to the sentimental, and which require bracing to grow into healthful manhood.

"Er I say, old chap, I I hope you are not going to take this too much to heart," remarked Tony, again feeling puzzled and uncomfortable. "If only Myra understands and appreciates what your love-making meant " "I shall be happy provided she responds in the way I desire," broke in Don Carlos, swinging round suddenly from the window, his face lighting up into a smile again.

All, without exception, persist in attributing to that nobleman the entire honour of that generous resolution. One single individual, amidst a vast empire nearly overthrown, surveys its danger with steady eye: he measures, he appreciates it, and ventures, perhaps uncommissioned, to devote all the public and private interests a sacrifice to it.