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Knowing how bare her own home was, I felt at first only astonishment at her vivid interest in what seemed beyond her comprehension, but now realize that in some blind way she appreciates the rare and the delicate quite as much as my more cultivated visitors.

And the bond that unites him to those whom he has been the means of converting or raising to higher levels of life is one of the tenderest in existence. You have come to a hearty people, who will be quite disposed to put a good construction on all you do. This is a busy community, that appreciates a man who works hard.

So this tall, keen-eyed man, with the clean shaven face and expressive mouth, advanced into the cell, and took Brian by the hand. "It is very kind of you to come and see me," said Fitzgerald; "it is at a time like this that one appreciates friendship." "Yes, of course," answered the lawyer, fixing his keen eyes on the other's haggard face, as if he would read his innermost thoughts.

"Yes," agreed Doctor Joe, "it's only when things are taken away from us that we really appreciate them. Jamie, no doubt, appreciates his eyes much more than he would have done had the mist never clouded them." "Aye, 'tis so," said Thomas. "I dare say," Doctor Joe suggested, "that you've never eaten potatoes or onions?" "No," said Thomas, "I've heard of un, but I never eats un.

His judicious investments of the superfluity of our income, which, at the time, my husband never even noticed, have secured for Colonel Campian the means of that decorous life which he appreciates but no more. As for myself, these considerations are nothing.

Then it will be the yacht which I shall borrow which will lie off the Villa Mimosa to-night." "It is admirable," Frenhofer declared. "The more one thinks of it, the more one appreciates. This yacht of Schwann's the Christable, he calls it was fitted out by a millionaire. My master will be surprised at nothing in the way of luxury."

A boy appreciates it when a girl takes hold and helps to row, to rake, or to add accounts. I think it is extremely commendable when a boy and girl can study together, work in the factory at the same bench, drive or walk with one another, and are not foolishly conscious that he is a boy and she is a girl.

But when a man is struggling with poverty, the woman who unobtrusively aids him in bearing it is regarded by him as an angel of light, and the question as to whether she appreciates his genius or not becomes a secondary one in the struggle for existence.

Cousin James Lowell said: "See how a negro appreciates the advantages of the confession." DEAR L., A family council was held yesterday, and it is now quite decided that mama is to take me to Europe, and that I shall study singing with the best masters. We will first go to New York for a visit of ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Cooley.

And just as Truscott was writing some hurried lines to Grace, cheering her with the news that in two weeks he could reach her, the colonel laid a quiet hand upon his shoulder, an unusual demonstration, and one that meant a good deal, and said, "It has occurred to the general that you might like to go ahead with Ray, captain; he appreciates the circumstances under which you hurried to join us, and thinks that now Mrs.