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"To report that the quarry has been run to earth." Carter gathered up his reins grimly as he spoke. "Come, Highness," he said to the girl who was lost in some sad dream. "I do not wish to leave them. It seems so heartless," she burst forth. Then she turned to him appealingly as to that one who must henceforth order all things for her guidance.

He was overtaken and wounded by some of Rajah Suleiman's people, so that he shouldn't tell tales, I suppose. But he says he can show us where the young English lady has been kept a prisoner, and that she is quite safe. Isn't that so?" he added, turning to the man. The Malay stared, muttered something, and then turned to look appealingly at his wife. "Oh, of course! You didn't tell me; it was she.

Any man who had spent a week about a railway could have prophesied "hot boxes" before that coach had run much more than its own length, but it wouldn't do for an employee to say so. The corporal looked appealingly at his fellow-passengers of the Rio Grande train.

Together they started toward the exit, but having taken a few steps she left him with a brief word and returned, presumably for her glove. Partially free from his eternal vigilance, she raised her eyes without dissimulation and looked quickly, appealingly into mine; then down at her hand, on which she leaned, whose fingers were unfolding from a little ball of paper.

'We will go down, Elfride. 'I am afraid the air is close, she said appealingly. 'Oh no, ma'am, said John. 'We white-limed the walls and arches the day 'twas opened, as we always do, and again on the morning of the funeral; the place is as sweet as a granary. 'Then I should like you to accompany me, Elfie; having originally sprung from the family too.

"Bury him on the hill, dearie, where you found me," he whispered. "It's lovely there, and he can see my stars." "All right," replied Jinnie, dropping her hand on the boy's golden head. That afternoon, just before the funeral, Jinnie stood quietly in front of the cobbler. "Lafe," she said, looking at him appealingly, "the kitty's happy even if he is dead, isn't he?" "Sure," replied Lafe.

"Senor," he exclaimed, throwing out his hands appealingly, "how shall I say it? How shall I make you understand and believe that you have asked practically the only thing that it is out of my power to grant?" "Why? What do you mean?" demanded George, in his turn. "Out of your power to grant? I do not understand your Excellency. Do you mean to tell me that those seventeen men are dead?

"We can't afford to arrest the wrong man, you know." Kathleen looked appealingly at Grace. "You have a daughter in the freshman class, haven't you, Chief!" asked Grace, coming to the newspaper girl's rescue. "Yes," smiled the chief. "I thought you were Overton girls." "I am Miss Harlowe of the senior class. This is Miss West, a sophomore.

We can live in California, and live well, under our own orange trees, whether I work or not. All I want to know is, will you go with me?" "No! I will not go with you, Murray." He moved in his seat and threw his head up appealingly. "Why not?" "I will never be dishonest with you; I never have been and I never will be. I have nothing in my heart to give you, and I will not live upon your money.

They did not know, and even now the name was a name to them and nothing more. Mrs. Gowan evidently took it for granted that even children must have heard of her brother, the famous author. "So you will help me, won't you, Pauline?" she said appealingly, "you won't let Max and Muffie run out and talk to them! And if they try to come here you will send them away, won't you, dear?"