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What you're really after, is what they see and learn to go after themselves. If anything's to be done, the adults must take the first step." "But, as society is organized, the idea is preposterous." "Society's been organized a whole lot of different ways in its time. Who tells me that it's bound to stay this way? I tell you right now, it hasn't got me bluffed, anyhow!

"Where are my orders, Tolliver? I don't want to lie over here all night." He paused. His tone became curious. "What ails you, Tolliver?" Tolliver handed him the orders, trembling. "I guess maybe my wife at the house is dead, or You'll go see." The engineer shook his head. "You brace up, Tolliver. I'm sorry if anything's happened to your wife, but we couldn't hold thirty-three, even for a murder."

But you're in the service of the Crown of Salissa now, and I reckon that any attempt to inflict punishment on you would be contrary to international law." "I'm sure you know best, sir." "That's as good as to say that your interpretation of international law is superior to mine. It may be. But the matter will have to come before the superior courts before anything's settled."

At all events I didn't want not to have spoken before it's too late. Of course I don't know what's the matter between you, or if anything's really the matter at all. I don't care at any rate WHAT is it can't be anything very bad. Make it up, make it up forget it. I don't pretend that's a career for YOU any more than for her; but there it is.

"I'm going for a doctor to come and see if anything's the matter with you. Of course it was all a hoax, but no person in his right mind could have believed all that rubbish about murder and suicide and jewels. You've been making enough noise to bring the house down for the last hour or two." "But what was I to think of those letters?" whimpered Mrs. Heasant.

Pawle and Viner got out of a taxicab in Park Lane and walked down Hertford Street, the old lawyer explaining the course he was about to take. "This is a young man not long come of age," he said. "He'll be quite well acquainted, however, with the family history, and if anything's happened lately, I dare say I can get him to talk. He What is it?"

"They don't give a hoot whose grandfather owned what, and if anything's battered up a little, they don't think it looks quaint, they think it looks lousy. And they've never heard of inflation; they think arms ought still to sell for the sort of prices they brought at the old Mark Field sale, back in 1911." "What were you looking at?" Dot asked Rand, then glanced at the musket in Pierre's hands.

I suppose it's a bit hard to us to think anything's over and gone in our lives; and there's a parting at the root of all our joys. It's like what I feel about Dinah.

Nancy got up from the chair on which she had already seated herself, and fear flashed into her face. "What is it?" she cried apprehensively. "You're not going to tell me that anything's happened to Jack!" "No, no," said the Senator quickly, but even as he uttered the two short, reassuring little words he averted his eyes from Mrs. Dampier's questioning anxious eyes. His daughter left the room.

Hiram had brought the barn lantern with him, and he took a look around the neighborhood of the empty coop. "My goodness!" he mused, "Sister will cry her eyes out if anything's happened to those little turks. Now, what's this?" The ground was cut up at a little distance from the coop. He examined the tracks closely. They were fresh very fresh indeed.