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Updated: August 9, 2024

"Women are queer, John," said Uncle William, "but the queerest women of all are the women that are mothers. Anybody'd think I was proposing to send you to the bad place, and dear knows, Belfast's not that!" "What's the job you want me to do?" "Come into the shop and I'll tell you!" John followed his Uncle into the shop and they sat down together in the little Counting House.

Anybody'd think a pail er water in each hand oughter held him daown, but no sir, that feller came across the door-yard, both pails full, an' his head in the air, his maouth wide open, and the elocutin' a goin' on continoous."

"Of course it is," said Angy, who was wise enough to keep some of her thoughts and hopes to herself; "they're's different's any other two things. I don't suppose anybody'd say you was a settin' up to preach, if you'd ha' read the sermons, 'n' I don't see why they need to any more o' Mis' Kinney." And so, on the next Sunday Draxy's ministry to her husband's people began.

Abner Simpson lifted his vagrant shifting gaze to its softly fluttering folds and its splendid massing of colors, thinking: "I don't know's anybody'd ought to steal a flag, the thunderin' idjuts seem to set such store by it, and what is it, anyway? Nothin' but a sheet o' buntin'!" Nothing but a sheet of bunting?

Anybody'd think we was asking for it! This blessed depart is upset from way back since the promotions began. Our last superintendent got the sack through his drunken wife coming around the place makin' scenes. And Mr. Meggison was put over another man's head. That made t'other feller so mad he blowed out his brains. 'Twas in the papers, but it got hushed up mighty quick.

"But I don't believe no, that I don't that there's anybody in the world who knows who The Avenger is," went on Chandler quickly. "It stands to reason that anybody'd give him up in their own interest, if not in anyone else's. Who'd shelter such a creature? Why, 'twould be dangerous to have him in the house along with one!"

The chap that was talkin' to me says she's the handsomest creature you'd see in a lifetime, an' she's going to dance to-night to spite Stanton." "To spite him?" Max repeated, not understanding. "Yes, you d d young greenhorn! Anybody'd know you was new to Africa! These girls, when they get to be celebrated for their looks or any other reason, won't dance in public as a general thing.

"After all that row," suggested Lil Artha, "it might be they thought we'd give a quick chase, and they couldn't afford to take any more chances. So as a boat'd come in handy for them they gobbled it." "Anybody'd pick the best in the bunch, come to that," added wise Toby.

Here's the College, and there's our house in the street on the other side of the common. The church is first-rate, it's really like it and there's the Roman Catholic Chapel and the Public Library in Main Street." "Why, you really do recognise the places!" cried Newton in delight. "I didn't think anybody'd know them!" "One would have to be blind not to, if one knew the town," said Overholt.

Why haven't they got a home of their own? You would ask them here nurse, bottles, and baby like a traveling Barnum's and Winn glares in one corner and that little piece of dandelion fluff lies down and grizzles on the nearest cushion and now you want to have a garden party on the top of 'em! Anybody'd suppose this was a Seamen's Home from the use you put it to!

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