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Old Rile cursed horribly and his face seemed to have aged ten years. "They learned that from the albino," he said. "It's an old trick that always works. They dropped a rope on him and jerked him, pried off his heel, shoved his boot through and laid the quirt on his horse. Blue did the rest." Both men knew well how it had happened.

I was alone; the laboratory was still, with the tall lights burning brightly and silently. In all my great moments I have been alone. 'One could make an animal a tissue transparent! One could make it invisible! All except the pigments I could be invisible! I said, suddenly realising what it meant to be an albino with such knowledge. It was overwhelming.

"All right, sir; I'll help you to get a start." We called on the Secretary, and after paying for our permit, sent for his canvas and very soon had it up. I accompanied him down town at noon, and on our way asked what he had to show. He answered: "The Fat Woman, the Dwarf, the Albino and the Circassian Girl."

"'Ere it is," said the little ferret-faced man, and stooped to pick up a cindery cube. He looked at Denton, then at the others. Slowly, unwillingly, Denton stood up. A dirty-faced albino extended a hand to the ferret-faced man. "Gimme that toke," he said. He advanced threateningly, bread in hand, to Denton. "So you ain't 'ad your bellyful yet," he said. "Eh?" Now it was coming.

Concerning his person, he was long, and, as his name implied, lean, with pale-red hair, reddish eyes, no visible eyebrows or eyelashes, and very pale face in fact, he was half-way to an Albino. His arms and legs seemed of equal length, both exceedingly long.

Dawn had now come, so the lanterns were extinguished. "There's nothing to compare with salabat, drunk in the morning before going to mass," said Capitana Tika, mother of the merry Sinang. "Drink some salabat and eat a rice-cake, Albino, and you'll see that even you will want to pray." "That's what I'm doing," answered the youth addressed. "I'm thinking of confessing myself."

"You don't understand your business!" said Albino to him as he stepped up on the rack and took the net from the hands of the youngster. "Now you will see! Andeng, open up the kettle!" But Albino did not understand his business, either. The net came up empty as before. All began to laugh. "Don't make any noise," he said, "or the fish will hear it and will keep from being caught.

It seemed to be the father of a number of others, for there were many marked with large light patches. The so-called white elephant is just such a pinkish Albino as this hippopotamus. A few miles above Kariba we observed that, in two small hamlets, many of the inhabitants had a similar affection of the skin. The same influence appeared to have affected man and beast.

The auctioneer commenced by saying that Miss Isabella was fit to deck the drawing-room of the finest mansion in Virginia. "How much, gentlemen, for this real Albino! fit fancy-girl for any one! She enjoys good health, and has a sweet temper. How much do you say?" "Five hundred dollars." "Only five hundred for such a girl as this? Gentlemen, she is worth a deal more than that sum.

We're in bad with her, both of us, and I expect if there'd been a lawyer handy she'd revised her will on the spot. Honest, it's lucky the times she's decided to cross me off as one of her heirs don't show on me anywhere or I'd be notched up like a yardstick, and if I'd done any worryin' over these spells of hers I'd be an albino from the ears up.