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"Gawd lumme!" says the big fellow who had threatened my beloved stripes. "Wot a life. Squattin' 'ere in the bloody mud like a blinkin' frog. Fightin' fer wot? Wot, I arsks yer? Gawd lumme! I'd give me bloomin' napper to stroll down the Strand agyne wif me swagger stick an' drop in a private bar an' 'ave me go of 'Aig an' 'Aig." "Garn," cuts in another Tommy.

Corn makes mo' at de mill dan it does in de crib. Good luck say: "Op'n yo' mouf en shet yo' eyes." Nigger dat gets hurt wukkin oughter show de skyars. Fiddlin' nigger say hit's long ways ter de dance. Rooster makes mo' racket dan de hin w'at lay de aig. Meller mush-million hollers at you fum over de fence. Nigger wid a pocket-hankcher better be looked atter.

"And that's no bad thing for Tommy," said Jim. "Oo's 'e?" demanded Joe. "Oh that's his sister." "Rum names gals gets nowadays," said Joe, pondering. "Not on'y gels, neither. 'S a chap on top of the 'ill 'as a new baby, an' 'e's called it 'Aig Wipers Jellicoe. 'Course, 'e did go to the war, but 'e ain't got no need ter rub it into the poor kid like that."

We ole uns kin set down en steddy, but de young dey up en does wid dere brains ez addled ez de inside uv er bad aig. 'T wan' dat ar way in de old days w'en we all hed de say so ez ter w'at wuz en w'at wan't de way ter behave."

'Consider the setting sun, I says, 'a-sinking in the golden west. Gaze yonder, I says, 'upon that great yellow orb with all them fleecy white clouds banked up behind it. "'I'm gazing, he says. 'It looks something like a aig fried on one side. That's the way I always uster take mine, he says, 'before I quit eating fried with the sunny side up. "I changed the subject.

The symbolism of this fire burnt out, that had warmed and cheered none, oppressed his fancy, and he left the small maid-of-all-work to triumph with black-lead and brushes. She sang out, when she had done: "If you please, sir, missus have had a hamper up from the country, and would you like a country aig, which is quite fresh, and new lay.

She'll be disappointed very likely when she hears I've succeeded." "Don't cackle till you've laid your aig, Gentle Annie. When you've thrashed and sold your grain and got your money in the bank, then I'll help you. We'll git drunk if I have to rob a drug-store." "You're always putting a damper on me. It was you who advised me to go in for dry-farming," Wallie reminded him.

An association of toast with spectral things grew in his mind, when presently the girl's voice was heard: "Please, sir, did say you'd have toast, or not, this morning?" It cost him an effort to answer simply, "Yes." That she should continue, "Not sir?" appeared like perversity. "No aig?" was maddening. "Well, no; never mind it this morning," said he. "Not this morning," she repeated.

"I disremember just how fur that last stop is from the Crick, but I think it's betwixt 25 and 30 mile." Just then the whistle blew for a stop. "What'n the world are they stoppin' here for?" groaned Si. "Some woman's got a dozen aigs or a pound o' butter that she wants to send to town. I s'pose we'll stop here until she finishes churnin', or gits another aig to make up a dozen.

An association of toast with spectral things grew in his mind, when presently the girl's voice was heard: "Please, sir, did say you'd have toast, or not, this morning?" It cost him an effort to answer simply, "Yes." That she should continue, "Not sir?" appeared like perversity. "No aig?" was maddening. "Well, no; never mind it this morning," said he. "Not this morning," she repeated.