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"The old Black Forest's down that w'y." "It's just north of Alsice," Freddie said. "A pair o' wire nippers and a bit o' French " "Shh," cautioned Freddie. "We m'y be ible to s'y 'Owdy' to General 'Aig yet." "Shh! We aren't even there yet." Tom listened eagerly to this talk and thought much about it afterward. For one whole year he had longed to get into the war.

Well, I suppose you won't be addin' to their risks by puttin' up much of a dinner for them to-day, Mrs. Brown." He grinned wickedly. "You go on, imperence!" said the lady. Murty, that turkey weighed five-and-thirty pound!" "Sure he looked every ounce of it," said Murty. "I niver see his aiqual he was a regular Clydesdale of a bird!" "I rose him from the aig meself," said Mrs.

"Says she'll take another aig," she explained. "Only took one yesterday, and then I had two all cooked." "What did I tell you?" jeered Hand. "You didn't tell me anything about aigs, not that I recollect," Sallie replied tartly. "Well, the principle's the same," asserted Hand.

"But I do reckon as how I've got some horse sense. Well, I thought as how them 'ere hens might 'ave stopped layin' on the suddint; so I up an' watched 'em. Land's sakes, but they was alayin' fine. Whenever I kin take time to stan' right by an' watch 'em lay, I git all the aigs I know what to do with. But when I don't watch 'em, clost nary an aig.

She had a little smooth face shaped like a aig; that curly hair hangin' clean to her waist, dark like this baby's, but with the sun all through it; these eyebrows o' his'n that's lifted in the middle o' his forred, like he cain't see why some onkindness was did him; and little slim hands and feet; all mighty furrin to the mountains.

"I got down on all fo's in the thick weeds, an' cluk like a hen. An' den ol' Mr. Rooster, he came 'long over to see ef I done laid an aig an' I des reach right out an' take him home to de Lawd." "Oh, Uncle Billy," his mistress laughed. "I'm afraid you're incorrigible. It's a dreadful thing to doubt one's very dinner. Isn't it?" "Yas'm.

I seed I had to check the disease afore it got too strong, fur I seed Bud was tryin' honestly to taper off with them spells an' shake with the cat if he cu'd, so when he kinder snorted a little this mornin' because he didn't have but one aig an' then kinder began to look aroun' as if he was thinkin' of mice, I busted a saucer over his head an' fotched 'im too, grateful la'k an' happy, to be hisse'f agin.

"And I was going to say," continued Mary, as she re-entered the kitchen, "that a speck of aig splashed on your cheek, Miss Ruth." "Oh, Mary, where?" "But not knowin' that you would see anybody, I didn't think to run after you; so it's just this side your mouth, like if you hadn't wiped it good after breakfast." Ruth rubbed it off, wondering with vexation if the doctor had noticed it.

I always knew you were a bad aig, Peterkin roared; and as there was nothing to be made from Harold, he changed his seat to try his tactics elsewhere. Left to himself, Harold had time to think of the diamonds, which, indeed, had not been absent from his thoughts a moment, since Jerrie gave them to him.

The little man stood his ground with the imperturbable assurance of the Cockney. "We thought of calling it Victory 'Aig. Victory, because our London lads seem likely to finish off the war in double-quick time, and 'Aig after our commander, good old Duggie 'Aig, whose name is every bit good enough for my baby. What do you think? Don't get your 'air off, guv'nor," Mr.