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After a long and difficult warping-up the rapids, in which Adrian's skill at using the sharp-pointed pole that helped to keep the canoe off the rocks surprised Ricord, they reached a dead water, with low, rush-dotted banks. "Get her into that cove yonder, and keep still. I've brought some bark and'll make a horn."

The conviction was too clear, the "crimes" the prisoner had committed were of "too horrible and bloody a character, threatening the very foundations of society," to admit of a merciful view of the case. As the trial drew near, Sir Adrian's despondency increased; each day seemed to bring a heavier furrow to his brow, an added weight to his lagging steps.

Now if, by means of this man, her rival can be kept out of Adrian's way, all may yet be well, and her host may be brought to her feet before her visit comes to an end. Of Arthur Dynecourt's infatuation for Florence she is fully aware, and is right in deeming that part of his admiration for the beautiful girl has grown out of his knowledge of her money-bags.

There was only a moment left, they were already taking their places at the elegantly appointed table, and she whispered the rest: "He is in for robbery and manslaughter, your own father the victim. His name is Philip Romeyn, and your woodland nonpareil is his daughter." "Mother!" Adrian's cry was a gasp.

"The devil!" cried Cantemir, as he fell back in consternation and fear. Indeed he would rather meet the King of devils than this hot-headed Cedric. Katherine was not at a loss to read Count Adrian's countenance, and straightway bade them open the door. La Fosse spoke as his hand rested on the locker, "Art alone, my lord?"

The great gonfalon of Rome was unfurled on the highest tower; and the very evening after Adrian's arrest, the forces of the Senator, headed by Rienzi in person, were on the road to Palestrina.

Molly as yet failed to connect any memories of interest with the possessor of the patronymic mentioned, but the next phrase mentioned aroused her attention. "He is Sir Adrian's servant, now, miss, and goes back yonder to the island, that is where the master lives, to-morrow morning. But he would be so happy to see the young ladies before he goes, if the liberty were forgiven, he says.

The quack separated the little coins in Adrian's hand with his forefinger, and answered gravely: "No, my son, but I am always glad to advance the cause of knowledge. There is still a great deal for you to learn at school, and the headache will prevent it. Here are the drops and, as it's you, I'll give this prescription for another arcanum into the bargain."

"It certainly does look like a mystery," was Adrian's comment. "Where is the vault from which the box was taken?" "On the other side of the patio." "May we examine it?" "Certainly. I'll show it to you now." Don Esteban led the way downstairs and across the patio. Opening the rear door of the bank, he escorted them within and closed the door.

As I've told you it was not among Adrian's papers which we went through together. We're narrowed down to 'The Greater Glory. Possibly," said I, with a despairing flash, "Jaffery had to pull it about so much and deface it with his own great scrawl, that he thought it might pain you to see it, and so he told you that it had disappeared at the printer's.