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I expect she 'll not care to renew the lease." "Don't know, I 'm sure," said Anthony. "You might ask her. We 're dining with her to-night. That would make a graceful dinner-table topic." Adrian's blue eyes grew round. "We 're dining with her to-night?" That did n't at all fit his theory of the case. "At least I am," affirmed Anthony, dropping the end of his cigarette into an ash-tray.

I had to make, of course, another expedition to Jaffery's chambers, in order to restore to order the chaos that Doria had made. She had ransacked every drawer in the place and strewn the contents of the old portmanteau, Adrian's mass of incoherent manuscript, about the floor.

The Cochranes of the Shaws have been friends of our family for generations." A guffaw burst from a group of Adrian's mates working hard by, at this recurrence of what had become with them a standing joke; but the officer, who had turned on his heels, veered round immediately, and stood eyeing the speaker in profound astonishment. "Great God, is it possible!

Berry wrought herself to cry aloud, oh, such a pity! Adrian listened to it as the expression of a matter-of-fact opinion. He took the huge quarter of cake, nodded multitudinous promises, and left Mrs. Berry to bless his good heart. "So dies the System!" was Adrian's comment in the street. "And now let prophets roar!

It was not his rank after all that I have said, surely it will not be suspected that it was Adrian's rank, that, from the first, subdued my heart of hearts, and laid my entire spirit prostrate before him. Nor was it I alone who felt thus intimately his perfections. His sensibility and courtesy fascinated every one.

Hippias, on finding the carriage-door closed on him, became all at once aware of the bright-haired hope which dwells in Change; for one who does not woo her too frequently; and to express his sudden relief from mental despondency at the amorous prospect, the Dyspepsy bent and gave his hands a sharp rub between his legs: which unlucky action brought Adrian's pastoral, "Hippy verteth, Sing cuckoo!"

Adrian's wife and Madeleine's sister, as such entitled to all honour, all care, and devotion; and yet, as such again, hideously, doubly unwelcome to him!

After all my trying to do him good, praising and blaming and petting, if he was impolite enough to go as he did Well, no matter!" While this indignation lasted she felt better, but as soon as she came once more in sight of the clearing and of her uncle finishing one of Adrian's uncompleted tasks, her loneliness returned with double force.

There was a note of seriousness in Adrian's voice, and Gwen welcomed it, saying: "That's right! stop talking nonsense and tell me." It became more audible as he continued: "You are only asking me because you know I cannot answer. Was ever a case known of a man who cried off because the lady's relatives thought she didn't care about him? What did he do?

Adrian was impatient for our departure, and had advanced far in his preparations. His wisdom guided all. His care was the soul, to move the luckless crowd, who relied wholly on him. It was useless to provide many things, for we should find abundant provision in every town. It was Adrian's wish to prevent all labour; to bestow a festive appearance on this funeral train.