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Updated: August 7, 2024

He los' track un er, en' ez he wuz a-startin' back out'n de swamp, a great big black ha'nt 'bout ten feet high, en' wid a fence-rail in its ban's jump out'n de bushes en' chase 'im cl'ar up in de co'n fiel'. Leas'ways he said it did; en' atter dat none er de niggers wouldn't go nigh de swamp, 'cep'n Cindy, who said it wuz all foolishness it wuz dis nigger's guilty conscience dat skeered 'im she hadn' seed no ha'nt en' wuz'n skeered er nuffin' she didn't see.

"Young man, I know 't ye think o' somethin' more'n this, an' vary diffur'nt from this, a-startin' out each one in his clipper-bark, gay an' hunky in every strand, 'ith a steady follerin' breeze, an' everythin' set from skysail pole to the water's edge.

An' I been surveyin' de lan'scape o'er tryin' ter think about eve'ything I can do ter start right. I'm a-startin' wid dem chillen, puttin' 'em in mo'nin' fur Ca'line. Den, fur Pete, I gwine ring de changes on Ca'line's goodness tell he ax me, for Gord sake, ter stop, so, in years ter come, he won't have nothin' ter th'ow up ter me. An' you know de reason I done tooken fo' days off, missy?

I wish to my heart 't was to-morrow mornin' a'ready, an' I a-startin' for the selec'men." The trees were bare on meadow and hill, and all about the country one saw the warm brown of lately fallen leaves.

And on the very morning when Meg and Poll were a-startin' off together into the country it was quite early and dark Poll stumbles over three young flower-gals as 'ad crep' in the front door in the night time and was makin' the stairs their bed. Gals as hadn't made enough to pay for their night's lodgin' often used to sleep on Meg's stairs.

No, I guess it wuz the gray and wise old World a-instructin' the young Republic what to do and what not to do. The child looked dretful impetuous and eager, and ready to start off any minute, a good deal as our country does, and I presoom wherever the child wuz a-startin' for it will git there. A noble statute. Mr. Bitters did first rate.

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