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Updated: August 24, 2024

Keep 'im aff me!" "An ould elephant! He shtrides like a schoolhouse." "Bill's little mar she was plum beat when she come in with Crawford's crowd." "Crawford's the hardest-ridin' cavalryman in the army. An he don't use up a horse, neither much. They stay fresh when the others are most a-droppin'." "Finerty, will yeh moind that cow a yours?"

Bill Bates hadn't the manners of a hog, and he kept a-droppin' hints to me, every few days, that he'd 'drap into that snake some night and squeeze the life out of him. This made me mad, and I nat'rally tuck the snake's part, particularly as he would gobble up and crush the neck of every water-snake that cum ashore on our island. One thing led to another, till Bill Bates swore he'd kill my snake.

'And don't go a-droppin' none of your snuff in it, said Mrs Prig. 'In gruel, barley-water, apple-tea, mutton-broth, and that, it don't signify. It stimulates a patient. But I don't relish it myself. 'Why, Betsey Prig! cried Mrs Gamp, 'how CAN you talk so! 'Why, ain't your patients, wotever their diseases is, always asneezin' their wery heads off, along of your snuff? said Mrs Prig.

All de day long kind o' chatterin' and hurryin' de niggers up when dere a-droppin' de seed in de line, and scoldin' and hurryin' all de day long, when dere a-hoein' down de weeds.

Keep 'im aff me!" "An ould elephant! He shtrides like a school-house." "Bill's little mar' she was plum beat when she come in with Crawford's crowd." "Crawford's the hardest-ridin' cavalryman in the army. An' he don't use up a horse, neither much. They stay fresh when the others are most a-droppin'." "Finerty, will yeh moind that cow a yours?"

Our jaws were just a-droppin' arter our teeth when fust mate busts out in a laugh; by thunder, I remember that there laugh today! 'twas like well, I don't know what 'twas like, if not the scrapin' of a handsaw; an' says he, 'By Neptune, 'tis a darned monstrous squid!

"Pretty cove you are, to find fault wi' me," retorted Bob, "w'en you're far wuss wi' your haitches a-droppin' of 'em w'en you shouldn't ought to, an' stickin' of 'em in where you oughtn't should to. Go along an' cut your stick, as master told you." The sticks were cut, pieces of string were measured off, and hooks attached thereto. Then grasshoppers were caught, impaled, and dropped into a pool.

Where squalor, and crime, and disease, and death walked hand in hand, gatherin' new victims at every step, and where the children wuz a-droppin' down in the poisinous air like dead leaves in a swamp.

It's powerful good fur sterricks. Luk at it! See the face av a woman in sterricks wid her hayer flyin' an' her jaw a-droppin'. I moind the toime Larry's little gurrl didn't want to go to her 'place' an' hed sterricks. They jest sent fur me an' I brung along a Sterrick-root. First, I sez, sez I, 'Get me some b'ilin' wather, an' I made tay an' give it to her b'ilin' hot.

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