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We went to sleep with the intention of waking at dawn of day, and then strolling quietly along with only two gun-bearers each, who were to carry my four double No 10's, while we each carried a single barrel for deer.

The original 5's and 10's were still penciled on them, and while we were debating whether to rub them off a thought occurred to us. When will artists and printers design us some Christmas cards that will be honest and appropriate to the time we live in?

I have had a long two-ounce rifle of the latter class, which I have shot with for many years, and it certainly is not so hard a hitter as the two-grooved No. 10's; but it hits uncommonly hard, too; and if I do not bag with it, it is always my fault, and no blame can be attached to the rifle.

"It's a combination," he announced decisively; "bet the cigars it's a combination or direction of some sort." "Sure thing. Perhaps, too, you 'll tell me where I can try it out." Holding his glasses with one hand, he stared through them at the bit of paper. "What are those fluted affairs at each end with figure '10's' in 'em?" I shook my head. "You can search me.

This should be divided into packets of ten cartridges each, which should be rolled up in flannel and hermetically sealed in separate tin canisters. Thus arranged, they would be impervious to damp, and might be carried conveniently. But I should decidedly provide myself with four double-barrelled muzzle-loading No. 10's as my regular battery; that, if first class, would never get out of order.

Bob Tait and I were carrying No. 10's rations; and we were "connecting file" that is, we kept in sight of the platoon behind. It was raining so hard that we were soon soaked to the skin, and we were glad when they stopped at Ypres that night. Bob and I missed the platoon in front, they went into some dugout, so we went in with the rear platoon. We were billeted in what had been an old wine cellar.

Hardy, "as 10l. in those days would have equalled about 60l. of our present money," on your honor and your palaeographical reputation, does it betray "no little ignorance" to mistake, or, if you please, to misprint, 10's. for ten 10'li.? If no, so much the better for poor Mr. A very strong point has been made upon the alteration of "so eloquent as a chair" to "so eloquent as a cheer" in Mr.

There remained the possibility that the numerals belonged to some other safe, though I did not think so: those two odd crenellated figures could have nothing in common with any permutation-lock. I had seen them; they were tantalizingly familiar; but where? And what meaning did those two figure "10's" bear? Here was a riddle for Oedipus. The next morning Thursday Dr.

I stood under a fresh sail all the day, hoping to get an offing by the next noon, and we made good a course of a hundred and two miles N. 38 W. Our latitude by observation was 35° 10'S.; and Cape Maria bore N. 10 E. distance forty-one miles. In the night, the wind shifted from S.W. by S. to S. and blew fresh. Our course to the noon of the 5th was N. 75 W. distance eight miles.

And there in the midst of his jagged thoughts there flickered a red anger a desire to hurt too, to strike, to come to grips at last with her laughing philosophy of life to tear it down and batter it into the dust and misery in which he stood. They had come to No. 10's bedside. Things had gone badly with No. 10.