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They both uttered an exclamation, and looked up. It was Zotique! Over Zotique's shoulder the shameless moon shone full into their startled faces. A child could have read their story. In the surprise of the moment they forgot to unclasp hands. As he looked down at them an angry flush mounted to his brow, and then with a constrained nod Zotique stepped aside as though to continue his walk.

When Messiré heard what had been said at Zotique's, his rotund black stole writhed as if founts of lava boiled in him; his face swelled to the likeness of a fiery planet; indignation choked his speech for four minutes by the face of the tall clock in his sitting-room; and then the lava rose to the surface in jets: "Gang of accurseds!" "Atheists!" "Freemasons!"

It must not tell against Zotique's humanity that he had all this time such a mastering sense of the necessity of getting on to Miséricorde that, after barely aiding to place the body on Chamilly's vehicle, he took possession of the lighter one of Josephte, and sped on for his destination.

I know I not spick de lanwige vary much, but my son Zotique, who just come from de States, he spick Anglish just so well as de Anglish, and so he mak you spich better dan I mak." He turned and laid his hand affectionately on Zotique's head. Zotique colored at the unexpected compliment, and looking down into Miss Katie White's bright blue eyes, smiled, and shook his head deprecatingly.

Zotique's duty of directing the actual carrying out of the campaign made him an authority on the "feel" of the constituency. "Breboeuf will give you figures," replied he, reticently, for the struggle had proved grave. The Curé had almost succeeded, so far, in keeping his vow. "Eh bien, ma brebis?" "From the lists as Zotique has marked them I compute a majority of 28."

There was nothing to be done now but to let Katie misunderstand him: to let her know the true state of his feelings would be treachery to Zotique. In a low voice he admitted Zotique's superiority over him also in the capacity of politeness. It is wonderful how cruel maidens can be at times.

"Swear the informant," said the Magistrate. The picture at this instant of the frightened face of Spoon who collapsed into a seat by the Bar, of the excitement of the crowd, which had been gradually brought to a climax, the disgust of Libergent, relief of Chrysler, satisfaction of the little Bonhomme and his wife, the cynical roll of Zotique's eyes round the room, and serene, judicial face of the Honorable on the bench above, would have made the reputation of the greatest painter in Paris.

A particularly "fluent" man, accomplished in gestures such as form an ingredient in all French conversation, he was in Zotique's Sunday afternoons a zestful contestant. His clothes were of homespun, dyed a raw, light blue, and he was proud of his choice of the color, for its singularity.

Katie glanced at him stealthily: the troubled look on his face smote her to the heart. She was ashamed of her cruelty. Trying to piece his barren English so it would not offend, Vital finally told her how glad he was that she was going to be his brother's wife. He dwelt upon Zotique's manliness, and how he was quite sure she would never be sorry that she had chosen him.

All here is yours, and I and my family are at your service. Enter, Monsieur." A dramatic gesture of humility recalled at once the man in blue homespun, who had addressed the crowd at Zotique's. "Good evening, Mr. Benoit," the Ontarian said, opening the gate and mustering his French, "I shall be charmed." The air immediately bustled with hospitality.